March month, the world applauded
women achievers globally .
Women who are dedicated to work,
exude grace , will and brilliance
in their respective fields ;
Bagging laurels,
their word becomes a law,
and people adore them , as
' Powerful Women . '
As a lay person
I am forced to question
my own stand in my own eyes
and that of many others like me ;
Have we been any close to
being Women Achievers !
Reflecting back I see
the panaromic view
of the life spent. . . .
with circumstances,
domestic stress
emotional oppression ;
Trying to create balance
at home and workplace;
Rearing children,
nurturing , caring,
inculcating values, culture ;
grooming them
into better humans ;
In short being good homemakers . . .
which is considered
a thankless job anyways .
A wife , mother , sister;
A woman adorning various roles
Constantly ,
ungrudgingly expecting
to see that winning smile
of all family members ,
forgetting her own identity.
Coming to the present , witnessing
grown up children , wellsettled
feel , life coming full circle
accomplished and in gratitude .
Now when the sun is on the other
side of the graph
I quizzically remain , wondering
Are we any less than
Women Achievers !
About the Author
