Oh!the deceitful Sun
And its Ultra violet rays,
Didn't know could play havoc,
For I dared, played undermining its reign.
January month, a holiday, Oh! such fun,
In the heart of the Andamans,
I swam like a fish in the Northern Bay Beach,
The morning sun seemed so sweet.
I splashed and splattered,
The water and me
That balmy warmth , Oh boy!
Every fibre of my body felt sublime.
No warnings did I heed,
I was but a fish, slipping around
Thought, would remain in waters, eternally.
And the Sun shined its teasing smile
Could it take the beating from puny me!
By the evening true colours revealed
My whole body baked like a chocolate cake
The setting sun bid goodbye
With tongue n cheek smile.
For next two days remained confined ,
Indoors like a fish fry......
Thickly coated with white Calamine lotion
An antidote to soothe and heal my cakey skin .
The ultra violet rays, and the havoc it played!
The sun had a hearty laugh , winking in query,
Who asked you to dare and come out ?
Without protection of a sun block lotion.
Oh dear Sun! But for your ultra violet rays
Not a nice gesture spoiling my two days.
Prevention is better than cure , Sir
For you have taught the lesson well.
About the Author
