On the last day of earth, as it was slowly sinking and dying from a terrible war that engulfed mankind, a small group of survivors stood on a lonely hilltop, asking each other, “How did we allow this to happen, when all we wanted was to destroy our enemies and not ourselves as well?”
Genesis in the Bible informs us that the world came into existence with the big bang theory. It looks as if earth will go out the same way it came in. The difference in these two events is that nature caused the first big bang, and man will be responsible for the second.
The Revelations of John predicted and let us know quite clearly about the insanity of man and his greed for absolute power.
The trading of arms and weapons have unfortunately turned out to be an extremely profitable business proposition; so much so, that there are companies run by dealers who advertise in a buyer’s market, their brands of de-lux wares, in tempting and desirable ways to anyone with a shopping list of goods. It thus makes it sound perfectly normal, just like buying groceries from the corner shop. Listening to highly powerful top sales management describe how discreet their firms are about whom they sell to, and to what country they only allow defensive weapons to protect themselves against invaders, one clearly senses the presence of double standards being practiced here. They surely know that weapons sold indiscriminately to any country could create problematic situation in some other country or worse still, be resold by the first country to anybody and everybody for profit motives without considering further ramifications. We have to ask where the Taliban does their shopping, as they have an array of formidable looking guns or missiles that can bring down a plane! At an alarmingly increasing rate, globally, countries are shoring up their arsenals and or multiplying their weapon production mostly with the intention of profiting by selling them or for saving costs by in country manufacturing vis-a-vis importing them. It is the only market which advertises “to buy my new destructive rifles guaranteed to bring down innocent people as we have on sale the most advanced variety of weaponry yet to come out of our factory, which will give you the utmost satisfaction at how direct a hit it can make”.
Thousands of jobs have been created and this is just the first rung on the step ladder which is the cherry on top of the cake. The big armaments are still to come, such as jet fighters, naval and ground tanks which look ominous and evolved to take down anything in its path.
An African country, that cannot feed their people because of their terrible wars, does not deter,unfortunately, from acquiring the means to buy weapons. There is no control over weapon sales. Sadly because of this, there are far too many countries that United Nations now has to deal with, who are on the verge of starvation, and their villagers completely destroyed. Although they are the participants, but still expect the UN and the West to contribute huge sums of money, to solve everything for them. Is anyone listening to all the dire warnings that African countries are facing by way of a prolonged period of hardship? They just do not somehow know how to rule themselves, or to follow the rule of law.
Which countries have the potential to create another war? This is just my own opinion.
Russia tops the list for increased military spending running into billions.
North Korea’s past time is sending off missiles by the droves, to let the world and South Korea know how clever they are. Such displays of visible threats are to announce their very advanced capabilities to start a war in their region and involve other countries, as wars tend to do the rounds, causing a domino effect. What kind of a massive arms cache is hidden away? They seem to have a healthy supply of various weapons, especially the nuclear missiles, which they keep letting off like balloons. The question that the West would like to know is how big the threat is? Do theyhave the means to start a war by attacking the South? The North Koreans are certainly not like the Iranians who willingly put on display their nuclear capabilities, aimed for the consumption of the West.
The North Korean army reminds me of marching robots with gigantic clocks and massive keys inserted into their backs that wind up, and off they go to march in perfect unison, a kind of shaking and shivering to an invisible beat, left, right, left; in complete order. Could some mad North Korean scientist have invented special clones for the army? I have to say, the army all look too perfect to be real. Nevertheless they are dangerous in their fanatical attempts to destroy America.
Iran used to make futile threats against America which have now stopped; Iran does not quite know who to befriend politically, so could it be America, Russia or even Israel? Trade dealings are kept quite secretive so it is hard to ascertain in which direction their real loyalty lies. Since and before the time of Esther, Jewish people have always lived in Persia. They are still living there, and after all this time, they should know each other pretty well as they speak on the same wave length. Iranians and Jews tolerate each other’s religion and, trust, therefore plays a big part in their everyday life. The Iranians and Jews are an intelligent group of people, and there was never a holocaust against the Jews because of religion.
Syria has hinted that they are now likely to take back the Golan Heights. What an impossible boast to make and publicly at a time when their country is facing a complete shut down, and what is more, neither side can come to the table to talk on a workable solution. They are slowly destroying a once beautiful country. It would be interesting to know who is egging Syria on in this madness to involve another country like Israel in the Middle East to more chaos. What part does Russia play in Syria?
A big worry for Islam is they have far too many gun happy radical groups at logger heads with each other, and no one wants to back down, and say “guys what are we doing to each other in the name of Allah? There is no control on the religious fanatics who have been preaching a radical form of their own concept of what Allah’s expectation of the life that should be led. Drunk with power, the groups are not prepared to reason and logically work out what is happening within Islam which is now very tragic. The start of polio in Pakistan, due to the Taliban who seem to be stuck in a time warp of a couple of thousands years ago whilst still nomads roaming the desert, has to be stopped, as polio will be seriously knocking on the door of the Middle East once it takes off.
There is of course in every part of the world, pollution causing a great many other deceases occurring and already out of control. It is going to take some hard work to start a robust clean up.
It is truly wonderful to read about the teachings of the Qur’an, but harder to carry out the message, which does not seem to have been heeded, as too many Moslem groups are at war with each other.
The response Boko Haram gave to the world’s outcry “please send our children back,” obviously fell on deaf ears, as their reply was to send off a few more suicide bombers to kill more innocents.
Surely if scientists can build killer robots, they should be able to find a replacement for oil! Change has to come before the global disasters and pattern of our weather start taking dramatic steps to totally start affecting the earth.
The cat and mouse game Russia is playing over Ukraine still has to be worked out by only Putin himself. He ruthlessly worked up the pro Russian masses that have run around like stooges to their master’s bidding. Crimea was taken, so to speak in a flash, and rushed off to be enfolded in Mother Russia's comfortable and reassuring arms to live happily ever after. Crimea has the potential to be another tourist Mecca. Ukraine has the one thing Russia has not got, and that is agriculture and rich black soil, which economically is actually a far better proposition as they have splendidly rich harvest seasons. I believe wine is tasted all round those areas with nods of approval. Ukraine is the bread basket of that part of Eastern Europe. Russia needs Ukraine for food. Sadly it looks as though mother R will take back the whole of that region. Within Russia there is a down turn in the economy. Some people say it is to bolster security around their borders. Trouble could arise from the smaller Moslem states they are surrounded by, some of which are not too happy with Russia. Moldovo is eyeing Russia with some trepidation and not very happy about what is happening. Russia is flexing their warlike muscles and one wonders what will be next on the menu.
A good thing about the agreement between China and Russia is that they can sell all the gas in the world to China. What is interesting to note was is a very worried looking Putin before the signing of signatures took place, and visibly relieved after the hand shake. This now makes it possible to veto resolutions at the United Nations which they already have done over Syria. Pity, I thought China did not have to be any one’s lapdog.
Poland and NATO are going to find it necessary to update, by adding to their list of arsenals. Orders include the latest jet fighters from America.
Russians do not make a good invader. They are generally cruel and ruthless as countries in Eastern Europe will give witness to. The saying you get what you ask for, sometimes come at a heavy price. The pro Russia groups in Ukraine might just regret their inability to think rationally so far ahead as they are behaving irresponsibly and emotionally.
Putin thinks the West is weak; this will be the biggest mistake he has ever made in his political career. Maybe Putin dreams of emulating Catherine the Great! What a thought, but sometimes in romantic fairy tale stories, dreams can come true.
The best is saved for last as the good news is that future wars are heading into outer space! The new space age of the golden years is the militarism of Mars, and the army sub stations built on platforms in space will use their weapons to drown the earth with missiles. Goodness knows what kind of new modern technological weapon that science will develop, but for sure these will be rained down upon mother earth. In reality the total survivors of mankind will be the soldiers residing in outer space, they will have all the advantages from so far up above. People on earth will not have the pleasure of watching the stars anymore, but rather looking for the terror coming from outer space!
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