• Published : 13 Jun, 2014
  • Comments : 2
  • Rating : 5

Emerging as cocoon sheltered infant or butterfly
Senses also thus evolve with an opening of the eyes
Evolving, shaping, no escaping; emotions arise
An opening of the eyes, the intake breathing sigh.

Spread the wings and test the limits of this newfound land
Taste and touch and feel it- the twitching of the hands
Gasp in wonder, bow in awe; absorb all you can
The twitching of the hands, rooted where you stand.

Listen, learn and apply what experience you gain
Soaring midst the silver clouds- the rushing through the veins
Sit; abide, throughout the rains until each storm will end
The rushing through the veins, life goes on again.

Viewing orange sunset, finding robin eggs nest
Hearing babe’s first cry, welcoming a guest
Cowering in fear, glowing with lover’s light
The stab of painful tear, incredible nature’s sight
Scampering to and fro, the anticipated “Hello”
Brandishing a lie, the inevitable, final, “Goodbye”.

An opening of the eyes
Intake breathing sigh
Twitching of the hands
Rooted where you stand
Rushing through the veins
Life goes on again.

About the Author

Shubhi Mehrotra

Joined: 22 Apr, 2014 | Location: New Delhi, India

Welcome to my little corner of the reading platform, where words come alive, and stories are born from the depths of my heart and imagination. I am a passionate writer, and I am beyond thrilled to have you join me on this incredible journey through t...

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