• Published : 09 Jun, 2014
  • Comments : 0
  • Rating : 5

Memories are saved moments of times we’ve had,
Whether they were good or they were bad.
A song comes on and instantaneously you have a flashback of a memory,
A time that you shared with someone and you were so happy.

Memories can hold so much pain,
Remembering a time you were left crying in the rain.
You see a birthday card and smile appears on your face,
It’s from grandma when she was still living, a memory no other one can replace.

A picture can hold many memories,
Makes you reminisce on what used to be.
Movie stub from the exorcist man was scary,
Remember it well because that’s when you got your first kiss from your deary.

Valentine’s day you got roses, chocolates, a card, and bears,
That’s the only time you felt loved and had someone that cared.
Memory of your first love telling you that he loved you,
The feeling of warmth inside because you loved him too.

Trampoline you got when you were ten,
The memory when dad was still around then.
A scar from having stitches running through a glass door,
You tried to hide it because mom would yell at you for sure.

We all have memories that have impacted our lives,
Some are still waiting on good ones to arrive.
Some broke our hearts and we like to forget,
Others were from our stupid moments that we regret.

Memories last forever even after we’re gone,
It gives some of us peace when we’re feeling alone.
In the beginning you have moments,
In the end all that’s left are memories.

About the Author

Shubhi Mehrotra

Joined: 22 Apr, 2014 | Location: New Delhi, India

Welcome to my little corner of the reading platform, where words come alive, and stories are born from the depths of my heart and imagination. I am a passionate writer, and I am beyond thrilled to have you join me on this incredible journey through t...

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