I wish,
I could hear the hushed whispers
Of the tree that stands
Far across the green lands;
Besides which the splashing waters
Of the brimming rivers
Sing along its way to the sea.....
What is it that so much it cares
Which its heart doesn't wish to share;
What is it they so much fear
Masked in the whispers
I wish to hear.
Is it their prayer to the great lord?
For which they stand green and tall;
Is it their praises for the pod
Which shall blossom to its fullest before its fall;
Or are they the grudges for the greater man
From whose wrath they cannot run.
Maybe it's that traveller whom they sheltered
Or the yellow leaves which had withered;
Maybe the lovely little bird
Which once nested in the tree trunks hollow;
Maybe its just that boy who played on its branches
Or the flower that even today melodiously dances.
So much to hear , so much to feel
With every Whisper of the tree;
But not for this selfish mind....
Though how I wish I could !
How I wish I could.
About the Author
