Aren’t memories the weirdest thing?
They hold onto you forever;
A wanted or unwanted guest,
Do they leave you? Oh never!!
You can change the air you breathe,
Or u can grow a garden weed;
Fulfil your every want and need,
You can change yourself indeed.
You can fall forever in love
Or you can own a lovely dove;
You can have Christmas in May
Or splendid springs everyday...
You can amend all your mistakes
Or you can live your life in stakes;
You can fake your pretty face
Or try and win life’s every race.
But what has past, will never change
That is what makes life so strange;
They are all those memories
Yes, the very old memories...
That would laugh when you would cry;
Give confidence when you feel shy;
Or make you live when you die;
Asking no reasons and no WHY...
For these are those memories
That holds on you forever...
About the Author
