Farewell to our hopes of passion,
Farewell to those happy days,
Farewell to our destination,
Broken is my dream......
Farewell to those words of love,
All day long to the endless talk,
Oh farewell to those moonlit walks,
For broken is my dream......
A farewell to my faith on you,
No matter what I had felt for you
Those days are gone ...my heart forlorn,
Coz broken is my dream......
I have winged the broken pieces,
With that I shall fly .
My choices have been made,
Never shall I cry.
With each passing day,
My tears have long dried.
That day when you went away,
Deep down I had died...
I took my last breath
Only to survive ,
And live a new life.....
To live another life!!
Those days are long gone away
My heart still forlorn...
With its pieces in my hand,
Farewell to you forever.....
Farewell to you forever.....
About the Author
