Rendezvous with love
Moonlight streams into my tiny room
Through the lone open window
The narrow brook nearby,
sings a lullaby
As it flows with gusto.
The sky's wrapped in midnight grey
Decked up with twinkling little stars
It looks so enthralling
and somehow austere!
I sit still; my eyes
Soaking up the beauty of the sky,
I sit still; like in a dream,
Soaking up the music of the stream
I sit still; come embrace me,
Let every bit of you engulf every bit of me,
Let you and I become ‘we’.
I wait and wait
With bated breath
And I wait till ….
letters flow, words form,
words flow
as thoughts gain form;
Life is beautiful; so I thought
As I wrote …..and wrote.
About the Author
