‘Do you think I should say yes to him?’
‘As if you will listen to what I say.’
‘Oh please! I always do.’
‘Mind sharing even one instance?’
‘Ok, maybe not, but then I always need your opinion, you know that….’
‘Ya right! Start with your emotional blackmailing.’
‘Oh! I did not know you had feelings. Aren’t you supposed to be a spirited soul?’
‘Now what does that have to do with this? How many times do I have to tell you to be articulate? You have to be more than just intelligent.’
‘Fine, let’s get back to the question… To be or not to be with him?’
‘Hmm…difficult question.’
‘Tell me something new.’
‘This is the eleventh fellow.’
‘I don’t believe you are counting. Wait! Hang on… How did you know the exact count? I did not tell you about Sam and Zubair!’
‘I am omnipresent. That comes with the deal.’
‘But that does not mean you will be snooping around….’
‘Gosh! Why are you so melodramatic all the time? This is what you have got from her.’
‘She has a name.’
‘I would rather not remember.’
‘Grow up…you are not a kid to be holding grudges.’
‘I wish I could show you the middle finger.’
‘Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Perks of being who you are!’
‘Ok. Let’s get back to the question. Well, he seems to be a good guy, he likes you and somewhat loves you too; looks at you with respect and has a lot of grey matter.’
‘Can’t you find out and tell me if he loves me?’
‘No. I am not God. I have my own limitations.’
‘Hmm…I know. I don’t want you to be God either. You are the best in the way you are. Stay like this forever.’
‘That would be a curse…you know that.’
‘Yes, I know I am being selfish. But what would I do without you? Not everyone can give me their complete attention. Others have their jobs, their friends, their life… For you…it is just me…it was always just me. Thank you.’
‘Hmm…the guy…I think I will say yes.’
‘You are actually doing what I am asking you to do?’
‘I can always start somewhere.’
‘Ok. Time to go. Please go grab your dinner. It is in the fridge. Heat it first. Don’t eat cold food! Not good.’
‘Ha ha ha ha, you saw her coming?’
‘Yes. Now go open the door. She has had a long day.’
‘You still love her, don’t you?’
‘I am a spirited soul. I can’t...’
‘Mom! Coming… Dad I will see ya tomorrow. Bye.’
‘And please wipe this glass tomorrow, it sometimes becomes very hazy…’
About the Author
