Milk-white body and strands of black hair,
Eyes quiet with feelings sweet,
She lay down on the soft grass
While the wind caressed her back
Like a mother caresses the forehead
Of her baby sucking the nipple of her breast.
Her black eyelashes add beauty to her face
Which she rests on her arm
While her lips quiver in happiness.
Her heart chakra* filled up
With embracing emotions of love
Brightens up like the eyes
Of a fish which is the center
Of attraction in the blue deep sea.
Her lover comes,raises her chin,
Gives a pat on her buttock,
Presses her belly,
Caresses her thighs,
Pinches her nose
And gives in her hand
A packet of brown chocolate.
Like a fleet of ships,they sail proudly
And their minds
are swept by emotions wild.
She almost falls off to sleep
In her lover's arms.
Rising like pillars of white smoke,
Keeping the shuddering wanton wind behind,
Cleaving the darkness of the night,
They make love,
Keeping in mind
That when love speaks,
There is nothing more beautiful.
chakra* - In Hindu metaphysical and tantric/yogic traditions and other belief systems chakras are points or knots, in the subtle body.
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