• Published : 06 Mar, 2014
  • Comments : 0
  • Rating : 3.5

It was like a tidal wave
That could not be stopped.
It kept rising and falling
And with each surge
Came sweet music of love,
Beautiful and yet so painful,
Painfully beautiful and beautifully painful.

With lightning comes thunder
And from friendship emerges love.

To her,he is a wondrous work of art,
The altar of her temple
And she was drawn to him
By the pulley of of love
Which she resisted but failed.
She has her responsibilities
And he has his commitments
To his family,his profession
And most importantly,his poetry.

Segmund Freud spent his life proving 
That we are ruled by unconscious desires
Beyond our control.
And yet,this love for him, was not a desire
For she desired not his passionate kisses,
His warm caresses and not even a sexual intercourse
To arouse the purest of her feelings.
She longed for his companionship,
His touches and his words.

He has an instinctive sense
For what works out and what doesn't.
He always has his points at his fingers' ends.
Intellect of extraordinary power,
Incredibly conscientious of the
Conflicts and compassions that 
Went into the chiselling
Of his supremely serene life,
He stands so sure of himself,
Like the Himalayas
From which flows the Ganges 
Like her,full of love and devotion.

He is not a rock star with a diamond earring,
Nor does he have Salman Khan's muscles,
And yet he has his mysterious smile
Behind which so many women take refuge.
Most incredible mix of exotic looks,
With a spectacular physique,
He creates wonders
Fascinating and mystifying.

Cicero of debaters,
He sparkles public debate
With a single sentence,a single word.
With his remarkable powers 
Of human memory,he dives deep
To resurface gems of knowledge.

As she stood one evening
To offer her silent salutation to Buddha,
Buddha was serious and seemed to say,
'Be friends with him,but do not fall in love.'
And with tears in her eyes,she replied,
'I love him,Baba.'

Buddha smiled,knowing not what to say.
Then with settled compassion
And grace in his voice,he said,
'Be in the middle of friendship and love,
Adopt the middle path,
It is the best path.'

She told about it to him
And he said Buddha is right,
Buddha is always right.
She thought that Goethe too was right
When he says that freedom and life
Are earned by those alone who conquer them
Each day anew.

She had conquered a new day,
A new feeling had birthed
Clearing the conscience
And filling her heart
With a deep sense of satisfaction
Where the feeling between
Friendship and love
Sits crowned, smiling for ever.

About the Author


Joined: 24 Feb, 2014 | Location: ,


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