Wings were given to a dove,
it soared high up in the air.
Mine were burnt
to keep me grounded.
Dreams were given to a man
so that he could follow it,
mine were snatched away
so that I remain dreamless.
In a world where women are to obey,
to follow rules,
how can I be an exception!
Dreamless, shapeless, soulless
We women are supposed to be like that.
Happiness is a dark entity
that can be seen through a distance
cannot be touched, felt or even thought about.
Minds are made to enact mechanically,
body a part of the mechanism too,
women are nothing but mere slaves
of situations, of nature, of men.
But no more!!!! We abide no more
to rules, to slavery, to men and to a darkened future.
We rise. Today we rise to our dreams,
Tomorrow will be a new dawn.
We women will fly
We women will rise
We will rise...
About the Author
