As claustrophobic thoughts
schizophrenic hallucinations
engulf my mind and again
I go back
I go back to you
to those outstretched arms
which used to hold me still,
which used to guide me once.
I go back to that bed we once shared
to those golden days I still dream of.
But alas! You are no more with me
like a nightmare you left me
you left to share some other's passion
you left me to my hallucinating destiny
you left me to my lonely bed to share someone else’s.
But still I dream of you
I dream of our love, of our togetherness
Once that was a truth
Now just a past reality
once a lifetime,
now a tranquil memory.
I still dream of you in
my claustrophobic thoughts,
in my schizophrenic hallucinations.
About the Author
