• Published : 06 Oct, 2015
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Speeding my car on a busy and bustling road
Skyscrapers floating by 
Amidst white cotton clouds in the blue sky,
Everybody seems in fast forward mode
I reach my fifty floor Towers complex.
My luxurious office on twenty seventh floor
I enter my cabin with brisk steps.
Glancing over the schedule chart 
Placed on my mega table,
Ordering for a cup of steaming coffee 
I settle down on my kingly chair.
This morning
I did not reciprocate my smiling wife
I was in a hurry.
Even did not plant 
A kiss on the forehead of my two year old son
I was in a hurry,yes !
Aroma of coffee 
Caresses my nasal senses
I sign on a long pending deal 
Priding myself in the power of my mark.
Sipping I look outside office window.
Blue sky and playing clouds 
And a small silver streak of a river 
Flowing through the city
Seem lost in the
Multiple colour buildings and monuments 
Spreading like endless ocean,
Vibrant colour vehicles gliding smoothly.

Suddenly my cup starts trembling.
Am I feeling fatigue due to mindless running.
But no !
Everything on my table , my chair
Start shaking as rumbling getting louder.
Before I realize what the thunder is all about 
I see roof shaking vigorously 
And collapsing over me.
Shrieks of panic calling me from outside
I remember myself manage safe under the table
Before falling unconscious.


My eyes opening slowly
I regain consciousness
Finding myself in a tiny space under my table.
My whole spacious cabin nowhere standing
I under my table 
Barely breathing for life.
By a stream of light falling inside
I could peep though 
A hole amongst crumbled debris of my cabin wall .
I look outside 
Shattered and fallen buildings, 
Broken poles, ploughed monuments,
Collided vehicles,torn roads,
Grey dust spewed thick and wide.
But blue sky ,
White clouds
And the silver river 
Now more visible.
I feel my lips getting drier ,
I need some water
My cup of coffee spilled on the floor 
My breaths getting shallow.
It is getting blurred every second 
I remember my wife and her lovely smile
I remember my son and his giggles.
I hear voices outside searching for me.
If I survive 
I will live life to
Love more. 
I will stay a minute more for others !
Endeavour for beautifying my Earth 
Maintaining its
Happy blue sky,swirling white clouds
Green flora,vibrant fauna , 
Cool icebergs of mighty mountains
Flowing silver ,green, blue rivers !
Only if I and rest of the World survive !


Don`t go deep inside river !
I tell my son
Sitting on a river bank
With my wife
Under a beautiful blue sky,
Scattered white clouds
Overlooking green and white mountains,
Whole universe watching !

About the Author

Rameshwer Singh

Joined: 29 Aug, 2015 | Location: ,


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