This is a chilly winter dawn,
White fragrance of a nascent day
Imbibing nocturnal dark,
Drizzling water pearls falling on the wet tracks
My train chugs on !
I look through the window
I realize it is a bend
Whole train as my life I can see
With its masthead light falling on the tracks
Entering into a new terrain,
And its tail light leaving behind
Trees,fields,lakes and
Far ascending mountains .
In between a lonely river flows on !
This is a chilly winter dawn,
My train chugs on !
Looking ahead through falling rain sheets on the tracks
I inhale the sailing feelings of freezing winds.
Entering into an era that will lead me
To a destination I know not,
To meet my beloved where and when I know not.
But green and red signals gazing through rain
Make me sure someone monitoring my journey,
Like a river Life will flow on !
This is a chilly winter dawn,
My train chugs on !
Me to serve, love
And make happy my journey mates
My life is being taken care of !
Thunderous lightening of the rumbling clouds
Descends and melts into
My soul and makes
Eternal illumination on !
This is a chilly winter dawn
White fragrance of a nascent day
Imbibing nocturnal dark,
Drizzling water pearls falling on the wet tracks
My train chugs on !
About the Author
