Dear Me,
You must be thinking, why now after so many years. I know I have taken a long time to finally realize your worth . Now that I have experienced this wake-up call, I decided I must write to you.
I want to acknowledge first that you have done a lot for the happiness of others, that is, my friends and family. Yet, I have never said 'NO' to anyone except you. I always turned you down whenever you wanted to go out for a holiday or watch a movie only with me or anything and everything you wanted from me. I left you alone while I was busy texting others and going to lengths to grant their wishes. I left you alone when I went for parties and movies. I know I never gave you my time, let alone quality time.
It took me 25 years to realize that I cannot make everyone happy and I should not try to do so. I am sorry. I apologize for the long nights you spent crying. I got involved in toxic relationships and all that affected you badly. So badly that you fell ill. I took you to the doctor for treatment. Why didn't you slap me then? Your health was still in my hands. I could have detached from the toxic connections to let you free. But I didn't rather I made you pop pills and went on destroying you inside out.
Everyone came and left; only you stayed back. And I selfishly chained your dreams and wishes and locked them inside a dark suffocating room. I had no idea that I locked you too there. I had no time to look back. I wish I had turned back once! It took me a really long time, a long 25 years of time to come back to you.
But today I come back empty handed. I want you only. I want to silently watch sunset with you. I want to write books with you by my side. I want to cry but only with you. I promise you dear...I promise not to get into any relationship which does not value you. I will never again let you cry, begging to others for peace or happiness. I take full responsibility of your happiness, your peace of mind. Never again those days of humiliation dear. I swear by god.
Trust me I have evolved with time. After all that I have done to you, you stopped interacting with me. You have stopped saying what you want or what you would like to do. You have stopped making eye contact with me. When I look at the mirror I find your eyes like that of a stranger. I fear to look deep into them. I have lost the connection somewhere.
I understand you need time to heal. May be the scars of torture and marks of chains will remain forever. But I will do my best to heal you. Please give me the chance to stay connected together. I love you just the way you are. Please speak up. Say something atleast. Your silence is killing me. Please come back.
I am a dead person without you my soul. I am not alive anymore. I want to be alive again. Come back dear, come back. I love you.
With love, Me.
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