• Published : 20 Feb, 2018
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Standing close to the sea I find nature's pattern no different from human life. I observe each wave arise slowly like a confused turmoil without giving any hint towards what to expect. It grows strong and comes crawling fast towards me. Suddenly it thrashes me with all its force. It jumps upon me unalarmed. My camera falls down. Sand slides away swiftly beneath my feet and I tend to lose my balance. I try to fight it to stop it or change its course of action. The more I try, the deeper I go down into the enormous entity. The more I get confused the more I lose balance in my feet. The wave then slows down; with patience it starts to retreat. It goes back with another one ready to devastate me again.

The waves come as usual and I cannot stop or change them. I decide to stand strong gripping the ground. The sand slides no doubt, but I get deeply rooted while trying to stay grounded. Huge are the waves, so stronger my roots become.The pattern repeats. Life is never a smooth ride, things happen. I promise myself to get stronger with each blow. I promise not to waste time in taking notes of what it gave or what it snatched from me. 

I try to collect the beautiful shells and put them in a bag. I get annoyed for the ones I can't reach, the ones going back. Just the way I hold on to people I love. Constant concern surrounding them drains me. I empty the bag into the water. I want to stand there empty handed. I want life to happen to me. Let not love come and go...let love overflow and drown me completely.

The universe works in its own way. I am no one to arrange things. Let each shell find its own destined place. Let my mind be free of attachments or desire to captivate those beautiful things.

With the setting sun, the waves slowly touch my feet and say goodbye. They never intended to drown me. They are, like me, part of the same invisible force. They left me alone on the empty shore much stronger and more peaceful than before. Amazing is the wisdom of the infinite ocean. And, hats off to my amazing human life.

About the Author

Shiny Hoque

Joined: 15 Feb, 2018 | Location: ,


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