I’ll not fall in love with all of your abilities,
Instead I’ll love your deformities;
I’ll kiss you gently on all the places
Where you have been despised by everyone
I’ll embrace all the bruises you’ve got,
Caress them softly with the tip of my fingers
And heal them with a stroke of my passion
Then I'll make love to all of your scars.
I’ll not fall in love with your heavy and large words
In its place, I’ll fall in love with your small gestures
I’ll fall in love with the way you dance in the rain,
How hard you try to remember the important dates,
Your continuous attempt to impress and inspire me,
And all the talks you do when you are silent; but
Above all, I’ll fall in love with the way you look at me.
I’ll not fall for the way you get jealous and possessive
In lieu of I’ll fall in love with your love for me
That besides all your insecurities, you wont
Let it come between us, beyond everything
You’d trust me and come along with me
Wherever I’d take you without even asking
Where will we go and when we will come back!
I’ll not fall in love with you at first sight,
And you know what; I’ll not fall in love at all
Because you know I have fallen in love
With so many things around me and I
Know you’d be different;
I’ll rise higher in your love, achieving
All the things that I have only desired so far
And transforming myself into the sun from a star.
About the Author
