• Published : 24 Aug, 2015
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More of a high functioning sociopath,

Or a synecdoche: the whole or the part?

She was a girl with ideas, and he was the man with words.

Together they made a pair of twisted weeds;

Her ideas were innocuous, his words incomprehensible.

And they were infallible.

Like a cold sun, like dead life, like unreal reality

They toiled on and on, the maze of lyrics drawing on upon them.

She was still a sociopath, and he her synecdoche.

She made him feel alive, resurrected him;

Catharsis, Metanoia: all those purgation methods were truths again.

Under that network of veins, she used to dive in;

He used to open up as her sapphire hue spread across him;

She always closed up on him.

she the close, or he the gateway?

Seeking was so futile, with no answer to find.

The certain uncertainty hovering over the horizon;

She merging unto him, becoming his life flow.

His veins were white, her blood blue;

Their unrelated relatedness touching a chord of love.

But like every lovers' story, theirs was made to suffer.

Why should they be together, when they are grenades,

Their creative destruction both a boon and a bane,

Their marriage expectedly unexpected.


How can they be bonded, when it leads to a divergence?

How can this union be productive, if it creates a misfit,

And from the zenith they were dropped down to nadir,

And no moan, no stifles were heard; no shriek of pain,

The music was set, the singers prepared;

The lyrics were being waited for.

The beauty of the was murder horrendous:

He was torn apart, she lay broken.

One single offense of being unprecedented-

Oh parchment, you were punished;

Thy mate the quill, hanged for shame.


About the Author

Puspangana Sing

Joined: 20 Aug, 2015 | Location: , India

She is an English literature enthusiast whose love lies with science. She could never understand why science and English literature are presumed to be irreconcilable, when in actuality, she cannot live without either. A bibliophile through and throug...

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