More of a high functioning sociopath,
Or a synecdoche: the whole or the part?
She was a girl with ideas, and he was the man with words.
Together they made a pair of twisted weeds;
Her ideas were innocuous, his words incomprehensible.
And they were infallible.
Like a cold sun, like dead life, like unreal reality
They toiled on and on, the maze of lyrics drawing on upon them.
She was still a sociopath, and he her synecdoche.
She made him feel alive, resurrected him;
Catharsis, Metanoia: all those purgation methods were truths again.
Under that network of veins, she used to dive in;
He used to open up as her sapphire hue spread across him;
She always closed up on him.
she the close, or he the gateway?
Seeking was so futile, with no answer to find.
The certain uncertainty hovering over the horizon;
She merging unto him, becoming his life flow.
His veins were white, her blood blue;
Their unrelated relatedness touching a chord of love.
But like every lovers' story, theirs was made to suffer.
Why should they be together, when they are grenades,
Their creative destruction both a boon and a bane,
Their marriage expectedly unexpected.
How can they be bonded, when it leads to a divergence?
How can this union be productive, if it creates a misfit,
And from the zenith they were dropped down to nadir,
And no moan, no stifles were heard; no shriek of pain,
The music was set, the singers prepared;
The lyrics were being waited for.
The beauty of the was murder horrendous:
He was torn apart, she lay broken.
One single offense of being unprecedented-
Oh parchment, you were punished;
Thy mate the quill, hanged for shame.
About the Author
