• Published : 24 Aug, 2015
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Between you and me

I will tell you my secret,

I will let you have too

The share of your albatross;

You will have no regrets:

Everything will be

Between you and me.


Do you still remember

How heavenly our rendezvous was?

So serene, surreal and surreptitious;

The shiny moonbeams dancing on your face,

And oh, when they revealed thine eyes,

Their light was more blinding than a midnight sun:

There were a thousand suns in that night,

In that vaulted Universe

Between you and me.


Do the nymphs still visit you

Like they had from the nadir,

In the middle of our flowery bower?

They still chant to you, don't they,

The evangelical eloquence, straight from the Mosai.

And you were Apollo incarnated;

The multitudinous notes ricocheting through every precipice,

In that dark valley of sanguine souls

Between you and me.


Do the sweet breezes still fan your cheeks

As they had on that windless twilit night?

Not a leaf had rustled,

Time had stilled, and so movement:

I could breathe in and feel the air

There was thunder, and lightening

In that still, serene, surreal haunt of stars:

Everything was seething in a soothing turmoil

Between you and me.


Do you remember? Did you feel and behold

The beginning of our world?

It had begun.....


Now you are sleeping under the twilit sky,

The shiny moonbeams dancing on your face;

Now time is stilled:

The seething turmoil is not soothing;

In your dreams, do you see what has passed

Between you and me?


My dreams are crimson:

I cannot lose them with you;

I want to lose them with you;

I must not lose them with you.

Now that you sleep, you

Keep watch over me:

You haunt me; I am

Flooded in my own deluge.

Oh! But the world;

Now you are not here

Who will glorify

Who will sanctify

The infinite infinity

Between you and me?

About the Author

Puspangana Sing

Joined: 20 Aug, 2015 | Location: , India

She is an English literature enthusiast whose love lies with science. She could never understand why science and English literature are presumed to be irreconcilable, when in actuality, she cannot live without either. A bibliophile through and throug...

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