Anjali was sipping her morning coffee waiting for her nephew’s arrival, as her brother and sister- in- law were leaving on some important work; her bhabhi asked her to take care of the little brat for a day, as they couldn’t take him along with them. She was thinking how to handle this little enthusiast; she heard a lot many stories told by her bhabhi, about all the mischievous things he has done; now it’s her day , she knew that she needed to keep him pleased all day long.
As said, her bhabhi dropped him at her house; she could see the tinge of sadness engulfing her bhabhi on leaving her little one. Her bhabhi left silently, while Anjali distracted him.
“Ansh” she took him into her hands, hugged him and kissed him on the cheek, he immediately rubbed his cheek with his tiny hand, this reminded her of her brother and she smiled.
“Ajli.. ” he said trying to pronounce her name, she couldn’t help smiling by the way he pronounced her name.
“Yes Ansh” she said making him sit on the sofa, As a bird who got freedom from the cage , he immediately ran , in to the lawn , “Annsssh” she shouted, meanwhile Ansh was in a cheerful mood, he was laughing and running all around the lawn enjoying in his own dream land and disturbing the peaceful life of the birds that are munching on the grains she has kept for them, those poor birds got frightened and flew away.
Anjali with all her might caught hold of him and dragged him inside.
“Ansh sit here, I will get milk and snacks for you OK?” she said, he nodded like a good boy, she patted him on the cheek and left. Coming back from the kitchen she couldn’t find him anywhere, she called him “Annsh , Where are you?”
“Ajli..” she heard a muffled voice , she ran into her room to find the disaster he has made , he has pulled all her teddy bear collection out from the cupboard and in the middle of the chaos he was lying flat on the floor, hugging one of the teddy.
“Anshh!! What are you doing here?” she shouted and all he gave in response was a very big smile lying flat amidst all those toys, pretending that he is sleeping ,she went near him , patted him on his cheeks tenderly.
“Uffoo .. Ansh, you’re messing up everything, get up!” she scolded him, pulled him out of the room.
Ansh dragged one of the teddy out along with him. He was pulling at its legs, hands--- in simple terms, he was ransacking her teddy bear! Anjali was just staring at him amused, After a while he got bored of the teddy and left it and went towards her. Now his eyes fell upon her mobile. He excitedly asked “Ajli… phone…” getting hold of the mobile in his hands, she smiled at his cute gesture of trying to hold the mobile with his small hands , she tried to take it from him , but alas , he was quick enough, he pulled it away from her
“What” she asked, he unlocked her phone and started playing games by selecting the game he wanted, all by his own without asking her, she felt awe at his familiarity on the latest gadget and on how meticulously he is using the phone.
A little while later, somehow Anjali managed him in sitting and playing indoors. Anjali was totally famished, she silently walked into the kitchen to get something for herself without disturbing Ansh but she has failed, the little brat waiting for the right time to fly, saw this opportunity and once again ran into the lawn.
Anjali, who has come back from the kitchen, saw that the little brat has escaped and went in search of him.
“Anshh” she was shouted, she heard a muffled laugh coming from a nearby bush, as she headed towards the bush, there came the little brat out and was laughing loudly.
She caught his ear trying to be serious with him, “Ansh, what are you doing here?” she shouted, looking at his muddy dress and hands. He didn’t give much attention to her scolding’s and tried to run away from her , she caught hold of his hand and shouted “What are you doing?”
“Ajliiiiiii…. I Love You” he shouted and gave a kiss in the air, she was looking at him surprised at his answer, he is just 2 yrs old, does he really know the meaning of love or just like that he told, whatever it is, his plan worked out, Anjali cooled a bit and seizing the opportunity the little brat fled from her, all the while she was faking anger on him, but this little thing done by him, she couldn’t fake and was smiling. Now she understood why her bhabhi felt sad while leaving him, she would miss all this ,how much ever naughty he is, he made her smile , he made her happy with his adorable actions and more over he made bhabhi’s life complete’ She thought
Someone somewhere rightly said “The Soul is Healed by Being with a Kid” , Yes The soul not only gets healed , it finds solace being with them , Their mischievous smile is so contagious that , even we tend to smile after looking at their smile!!! At the end of the day, after a long tiring day at work, if we just look at those pure and innocent faces we would feel so relieved and lively.
Whatever it is their sheer innocence or their mischievous things or their cute loving gestures towards us or their cute smile everything brings a smile on our face which makes us forget the hard day we had. Kids add more Joy and Happiness in our monotonous life!!! Isn’t it true?
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