• Published : 03 Sep, 2014
  • Comments : 4
  • Rating : 4.3

She was on her death bed; she was staring at her husband who was sitting beside her on bed. Tears were rolling down his cheeks, they were together for almost 30 years, she was his strength, love and life but he never told, he always tried to conceal his feelings towards her, On the other hand she all through her life has been waiting for one word of appraisal from him not because she has nothing else to do, but her happiness lies in him, the only person she wanted to get appraisal was from HIM. But he never did.

She knew death would arrive any moment, she signaled him towards her desk in the room, he questioned her what, and she slowly lifted her hand pointing towards her old and withered dairy. He bought it and asked her what to do. She signaled him to open it.

He opened it and ran through the diary, it was her writing, he knew she maintains a diary and used to pen down whenever she feels so. But he never touched it nor tried to read it all these years, coz it is something she does to jot down her inner feelings which he thinks is violation of her rights

“Shall I write down something for you?” he asked her

She whispered him to read the diary

On the first page it was written “Dedicated to my Husband” a smile has come up on his face.

 He turned around the pages; it has all her feelings jotted down. He started to read the diary, as he is turning each page he felt how he has hurt her many times, yet she never complained, she has never complained in any of the pages, all she would end up at the end, with a line “How to make him happy?” is what all she thought about, but alas he never ever tried to understand how he had hurt her a lot many times. He always craved for sex, all she craved was for love, he always wanted her to do things for him and their children, but never asked her what she wanted to do, she always waited for him to ask her, but he never did!  if she would have set out free in this world, she would have been in some of the noble personality, she was a lady with ambitions in her young age, was eager to set an example in this world, but no she has never left him for her ambitions, but she never complained, she never felt discouraged, she was happy with her small little world around him and his children.

 All she wanted was a word of encouragement from him, which she never got all through this 30 years, his eyes were welling up with tears, his heart went heavy upon reading this… he raised his head from the book and looked at her, she was looking at him with expectation, he said “You are the best thing that has ever happened to me!! I never ever recognized it, I’m Sorry!  And I love you ” he told , but before she could hear those beautiful  words from him , angels from heaven has come and has taken this angel with them , he cried and cried for her , but she didn’t return , she has gone to a world where she would be needed and taken care of !!!

He said those things she always craved for, but she couldn’t listen to him!

This is dedicated to all the ladies around the world who selflessly give up everything to their husband and children without having any joy of their own world, and only craving for those simple words from them!!

And to all men before its too late express your lady love what you feel like before it is too late!!

About the Author


Joined: 25 Jun, 2014 | Location: , India


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