• Published : 09 Sep, 2015
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The life of a girl is like a canvas so white,

Stroked by a myriad of hues.

Each symbolic of a phase which she enters with the valor of a knight,

The pinks, reds, blacks and the blues.


Her childhood stroked by a pink blush,

Pampered like a princess, she is her daddy’s little girl.

Of childish ignorance, barbies and all the mush,

Nurtured and loved like a precious pearl.


With adolescence enters the envious green,

Combating changes on the outside and within.

Struggling in the crowd to prove her sheen,

Testing her resilience to keep her whims and fancies hidden.


Overcoming the teenage insecurities, she is heralded by the orange,

Flaming to excel to prove her worth.

Seeking independence, she abhors bondage,

Marching towards her ambition, she experiences mirth.


And then strikes the inevitable vermillion,

Hesitant yet excited, she steps out and steps in.

Greeting her is a world with changes a billion,

New roles, new responsibilities and an entirely new kin.


She then matures towards the demure blue,

Calm and composed, handling her melancholic chores.

Living more for her loved ones, making sacrifices a few,

Not asking for the sky, but just a family that adores.


Next she is haunted by the unsought grey,

She gives up the fight, to make peace with the solitude.

Doomed by loneliness, ill health and an empty bay,

Her heart is still full of gratitude.


Life then takes a full circle, re-enters the white,

Leaping her over all the worldly joys and strife.

Liberated, she smiles day and night,

And her epitaph reads:

‘The girl who lived a colorful life…’


About the Author


Joined: 23 Aug, 2015 | Location: ,


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