The gloomy day and the time was noon
Cloudy was the sky, peeping was the moon
The day seemed long to usher out
Eyes were filled with a hopeful clout
The lonely 'me' couldn't wait more
The thought of 'company' started to soar
Round and round, I did go round
Like a tiger , in search of a pound-
Lights were off and the table set
Agonizingly cried, was forced to wait
The cawing crow and the cuckoo sang
Out of the blue, the doorbell rang.
You stood there in floral red,
Life was pushed in my heart, till dead
Your eyes did mutter those magic words,
My mind was deaf with thoughts unheard,
A touch of your hand on my rough palm
And I struggled to stay icy calm;
Asked you to sit on my lousy rug
Shared a coffee from that single mug;
A tight hug for eternity, it would seem
I opened my eyes, had broken my dream.
The door bell indeed rang
The cuckoo's melody really sang. The milkman did his daily chore.
My love lorn heart, apart it tore; You would never come again, I know
I would never see you again, I know.
But my heart refuses to accept the fate
That you had seemingly closed all gate.
In absentia, terrestrially, you form my soul celestially
With a heart full of love and a pocket full of gleam,
I refuse, forever, to stop to dream.
About the Author
