Walking along the road
Delusion overcame calm mind
Why I cling on every time?
Awestruck I started pondering
Confused mind frowned to bosom laughing
“Do you have it?”
Sighing ! Bosom smiled cunningly
Ordered mind to drop in it deeply
Shutting the eyes, mind dropped along
Caught glimpse of pair unseen long
Felt two hazel pearls in white sky
Purity around chilled the spine.
Scene began appearing lucent
As if dark fleece made movement
Image turned as alive
As if covered in shine.
Emotions raged felt heaven
Hopped to feel image in person
Just then image snapped
Came back to real map
Disgusted and miffed on self
O Lord why is it on dream's shelf.
Convinced with answer, mind replied
Not physical but even soul
The beauty beyond unriddle causes fall
Satisfyingly mind moved along the way
For “the beauty” I am to stay
About the Author
