It was 7 in the morning and the alarm was screaming out of his lungs trying to wake him up, but it was not enough to break his trance and bring him back to life. He was still in his dreams when suddenly the door banged open and this large hefty fellow started to curse at him and pushed him off his bunk to wake him up. The fragrance of marijuana made his nose tickle and turned his temper to rage. Before he could lose his sense of control to demons of rage Daan finally woke up. This gave him a deep pause and he finally broke it with words of abhor and shouted, “Get up you moron! If that shit effect of yours has subsided then get up and be ready for your college. You good for nothing fellow, get your ass back on to the road and leave my house.” With this he left the room for his work. This man was Daan’s father.
Till now this had been a monotonous regime for Daan who would wake up only to his father’s abuse. As the door of his room shut he reached out towards his cellphone to remove its back cover and take out a dull glaze lucent paper. With his next reach he took out a small packet from his pocket and took out some of his weed and started the very process he was perfect at.
Without even looking at what his hands were up to he rolled out a cigarette perfectly and popped it into his mouth, lighting it with a lighter and filling the room again with dense fumes of smoke. As the smoke rose up, Daan went into a trance, getting high as usual. Trying to come out of his morning abuse, he threw the stub into the toilet and started get ready for the college. He moved out of his room dressed in clothes not to depict his family class and moved downstairs to the dining hall. The butler and the servants surrounded him up to serve him but his trance made their efforts to go into vain. He quickly picked up the toasted bread slices and moved out of the house towards the bus stop. Although he had a large fleet of cars with drivers to serve him at his will but he never wished to use them just for the fact that they belonged to his father’s.
Moving towards the bus stop there was not even a single thing that could have received a glimpse of his eyes, as he strolled forwards with his head down. He reached the bus stop to wait for the bus. While waiting for the bus he could see the regular people waiting with him and also the regular things he would see. As the bus arrived he got onto it and sat on the last seat like always, the conductor as usual had kept the last seat for him. He took out a hundred rupees bill from his pocket and gave it to him without caring for him to return the change. Sitting on the last seat he took out his iPod and plugged in his earphones, turning on the music, and started scribing something in his copy. He was not aware of anyone being around. He continued to write down something in his notebook.
At last when his college came he moved out of the bus slowly and started walking towards his college in a timid manner. He was a well-known personality in his college and was mostly known to students as a stereotype who remained elusive from the world, lost in his own dreams and thoughts. Entering the class he slowly moved onto the last bench, his regular place and sat down there ignoring the comments and remarks he received.
As the teacher entered the class, silence prevailed all around and the lecture began. Suddenly the principal entered the class followed by a new face. His entrance was marked by a salutation from the students. He reached the lecture podium and started to address the class, “Good Morning! Sorry to interrupt you in the middle of the lecture but I want to introduce you to a new classmate of yours, Miss Tiya. She has come here all the way from U.S. I hope you will make her feel comfortable in this college and will help her in all means since she is a stranger to college rules and regulations. I wish you good luck and now you can join the class.” Everyone was quite shocked to see this new face and could not get their eyes away from her. Many stood shocked with their jaws open. This new face was not only beautiful but also elegant in her style. There was a mark of royalty in her stature which was reflected in her dressing. She began her class with a brief introduction about herself and everyone just clapped to that wonderful introduction in such a high tone that it could be heard at the other end of college building. Everyone was awestruck by her; whereas Daan could not even get up when the Principal came in. He was too lazy to acknowledge the principal and had hid himself behind other students.
When everyone settled down the teacher asked Tiya to take her seat, she looked around to see. Everyone, boy or girl, was to trying to make space for her in a rush, she however saw that Daan was not paying any attention to her. Surprised by the reaction she straightaway rushed to the last bench and sat beside him. This shocked the whole class and they were awestruck by this gesture of her, even the teacher seemed to be startled. Daan, however, was still not paying attention to her and was calm and lost in his own dreams. Wasting no time the teacher started the class again. As the class got over, everyone suddenly flocked around Daan’s bench to greet and befriend the new girl. Mesmerised by her beauty many even tried to have a conversation with Daan who was almost invisible to class before. Daan as always moved out from the class without acknowledging anyone. Tiya was still trying to gulp down the fact that Daan did not pay attention to her in spite the fact that she is flocked by the whole class who wants to be friends with her.
Daan went straight to his obvious place in the gardens to roll the next joint and smoke. He was neither ashamed nor afraid of anyone. Since the college classes were over for the day Tiya too was strolling in the garden with new friends enquiring about the whole class.
She suddenly comes across his usual place and goes on to greet him.
About the Author
