I am with special features
To bear all seasons
Of Winter, Summer, Spring and Fall
For such privilege, I thank my Creator.
Like the birds on wings
I wish to see too many sites
Of the world for enjoying and exploring
The beauty and wisdom of my Master.
Troubles and hurdles are many
On the course of my life
Challenges are numerous
To fulfill my purpose.
I was born to serve this life-filled planet
Day and night I strive hard to make it so
With all my heart
Producing Oxygen to this Earth.
Home for birds in need of shelter
Shade for men tired of sun
Give fruits to all in want of food
Leaves of mine heal the sick.
Unaware of my use
Animals try to finish me off
At my early growing stage.
But I wonder: men for harming me!
I know not to harm
Or to retaliate, or to withdraw good
To those who afflict me mercilessly
For I am good naturally.
One thing I am sure of -
That I fulfill my purpose selflessly.
One question have I to all men
What have you done to the world you live in?
About the Author
