Maria Lau was a single mother, working double shifts to meet ends. Her son, Jamie, was only two years old when his father left them. She never complained or had regrets when it came to Pedro … he had made it very clear to her that he was in the relationship only for sex. After she told him about her pregnancy, he had told her it was a mistake which he didn't feel sorry for and didn't need it in his life. Good thing Maria expected the same response and kicked him out of her house and out of her life for good.
Jamie was now seven years old and it was getting difficult to manage his school fees and other expenses with the meagre salary of a school teacher. She quit her teaching job as soon as she got the job of a housekeeper at Hotel Grand Canal. Located in the heart of Venice, the hotel had the most influential people coming in from all over the world. Maria knew that this might be her lady luck shining bright or else getting a job in this hotel was a dream-come-true for a lot of girls. The staff was well-trained and very friendly. In her second week of the job, she had learned the basic duties of housekeeping and had made friends who would fill her up with gossip. Her supervisor, Dimitri, a kind man in his late forties, had expressed his desire to take Maria out for dinner, which she had politely refused. Why lead a man when she has no intentions of pursuing it further, she thought. Life seemed to have picked up a pace and she was happy that she could balance her job and her life.
Maria had just stepped into the kitchen back door when Lucy came running towards her.
“Thank God you are here. Did you go to Room 338 yesterday?”
“Yes. I replaced the sheets, towels and the bathroom amenities. Why? What happened?”
“The police is here. There was theft in that room yesterday. Someone stole a diamond set from the cupboard. Dimitri is looking for you.”
Maria’s eyes widened in fear. Was she going to be convicted of a crime she didn't commit? How was she going to prove herself innocent? What would happen to Jamie? She tried controlling the treacherous tears that spilled down her cheeks. Lucy looked at Maria sympathetically.
“Don’t worry, Maria! We know you didn't’ steal anything. Dimitri will fight for you and the police will only record your statement.”
Maria pulled her shoulders back, wiped her tears and steeled her voice.
“You are right. I have not committed any crime. Why should I be scared? Where is Dimitri? Are they out in the lobby?”
Lucy took Maria out to the lobby and quietly left her with Dimitri. He was in conversation with a police inspector when he noticed Maria entering the lobby. He cut his conversation short and walked up to Maria. His eyes were shinning with understanding and had a flick of emotion which Maria confused with possessiveness. Dimitri will fight for you … Lucy’s words hit Maria and she felt a pinch of relief.
“Maria, the police needs to record your statement. Tell them the truth about what time you entered the room and what you did. I am also working with Joe to get the video recording of the floor to see who all entered the room that day,” saying this Dimitri left Maria with the police inspector.
“What are your regular duties?”
“Changing sheets, towels, laundry, replacing the bathroom amenities and vacuuming the floor carpet.”
“What all floors do you house keep?”
“Only third floor and after 3 PM I help in the kitchen.”
“What were you doing yesterday between 4–5 PM?”
“I was in the kitchen preparing tea and snacks for Room 301. Lucy and Mrs. Welda were there with me.”
“Okay. Go back to your duties but don’t leave until I tell you so.”
The inspector had not a bone of politeness in his voice, he was downright rude to her but she had bigger deals to worry about than teaching manners to him. She quietly walked back to the kitchen and went into the changing room to wear her uniform. As she stepped out of the changing room, Dimitri was waiting for her. He took her hand and led her to his office. The whole staff had gathered around his table. He stepped into the room and gestured her to take a seat.
“There has been an unfortunate incident yesterday evening involving a theft in room 338. I am investigating it further but I believe in all of you and expect the same from you as well. Ms. Maria was in charge of the housekeeping duties for the floor and she has given her statement to the police. I request all of you to stand true to each other till we find out the real thief. As a policy of this hotel, we stand together as a family always. It is business as usual for all of you. Kendra, just for the next two weeks, I am going to swap your VIP floor with Maria. Kendra, you can take the third floor and explain to Maria about the list of guests we have in the VIP floor.”
The VIP floor consisted of all the big celebrities that visited the beautiful city of Venice. Every two weeks, the staff was rotated to work on that floor. It was a privilege that everyone desired but only got it on rotational basis. Kendra, a happy-go-lucky girl, smiled as she strode up to Maria. Keeping a loving hand on her shoulder she said, “It is okay, girl! It can happen to anyone. Don’t let it bother you. While you are at it, enjoy the sightseeing on the VIP floor. It will do you good.” Maria choked on her tears. First Dimitri and now Kendra … these people trusted her like their own which was such an unusual yet touching gesture.
“Thank you Kendra. You are an angel!” Winking at Maria, Kendra walked out of Dimitri’s office leaving her alone with him. Maria was aware that Dimitri liked her but she could have never guessed that he trusted her as much. Being a very private person and living in hardship, she had never felt comfortable expressing emotions in front of strangers. So instead of running up to Dimitri and hugging him in gratitude for trusting her, she smiled and extended her hand.
“Thank you, Dimitri, for having trust in me and for making it easier for me by switching the floors. I can’t thank you enough … I am … I am really grateful.”
Dimitri took her hand and enclosed it with his warm ones holding it close to his chest.
“I understand, Maria. Like I said, it is an unfortunate incident but don’t you worry. We will find the culprit soon and you will be all free.”
Maria had heard the word free many a times but never could she place any emotion associated with it. When Dimitri used the word, she knew exactly what that feeling would be. She smiled up to him with tears shinning in her eyes and said a quiet thank you before walking away.
Within a week, Dimitri and the police had found the thief and recovered the diamond set. Maria was still serving on the VIP floor. Many celebrities checked into the Grand Canal. Maria was more diligent than ever. She was thorough in her job and had pleased almost all the occupants of the VIP floor.
Coming Friday evening, Mrs. Welda invited Maria to a girls’ night out and since Maria had dropped off Jamie with the neighbours, she had nothing to do for the evening. The girls drank, ate and spoke about everything under the sky … family, relationships, business, Dimitri, love, movies and sex. It came out as a surprise when Maria claimed that she hadn't had sex for about 6 years. Mrs. Welda advised Maria to take a week off and spend the entire time making up for the lost opportunity. Lucy even volunteered to look after Jamie while she was away. Maria had seriously started considering taking that vacation when reality bumped her on her head. She was a single mother … nobody would want to entertain such a baggage. Nobody wants damaged goods and somebody else’s responsibility hovering over them. And of course, she was okay with it. She never had one-night stands, never was aroused or even attracted to anyone. She was fine. Yes, she didn't need a man in her life to scratch the itch for a night. She was strong enough as a mother and was confident to never make Jamie miss his father. With this newly-acclaimed, thrillingly-independent thought, she gulped down the last of her wine and called it a day.
Monday morning Maria was cleaning the table for one of the VIP rooms when she got this nagging feeling as if she was missing something. She mentally ticked her checklist as to what needs to be done in which room but she came up empty. The feeling didn't go away … but when she opened the curtains to clean the sliding doors, she suddenly realised what she was missing. She had left the sliding door of Room 506 open after cleaning. She cursed herself for losing her attention to the Friday night gossip.
Hurriedly, she walked to the room, taking a deep breath she knocked at the door. Five minutes and three knocks later, when nobody opened the door, she used her master key to open the door. She walked towards the heavy curtain and slid them aside to see that indeed the door was not closed. After the incident of the theft, Maria had been super cautious of all her tasks and tried her best not to give another chance to anybody to point out any faults with her work. She felt her whole body aching with stress and tension of always performing at her best. She looked at her reflection in the mirror and saw that though she was 28, she looked at least 50. There were worry lines besides her eyes, dark circles marred her thin face, her eyes were lifeless and hollow and with her boring black hair falling way beyond her hips, she looked positively ghastly. If she flipped her hair to the front of her face and looked just as she was looking then, she would bag the role of the main protagonist of a horror film in one shot. Disappointed with herself and her lack of respect towards her body, Maria stepped away from the mirror, stopping dead straight when she heard the front door open.
Maria knew that the room belonged to an Italian artist who was in town to launch his paintings. She had heard from Lucy that he was blind. She often wondered how a blind person used colours. How does he know where and when to use the flathead of the brush and how does he know when the painting is finished? This is just another one of God’s mysterious creations. She couldn’t get her tongue to speak the words her brain was processing through. She wanted to apologise and excuse herself or more like flee but instead she stood steadfast staring at his physique.
“Yes, Melinda … I will be there in fifteen minutes. I am already inside the limo … Yes, yes, I know it is a huge event and everybody will be there. I will be at my happy best … You know for an event manager, you are really very pushy. I will meet you soon. Bye.”
He ended the call and fell back on the bed facing the ceiling. Maria felt as if she was watching a Greek God come alive. The artist had thrown his jacket to a chair and opened the top three buttons of his crisp white shirt, revealing his soft, shiny skin. Maria was transfixed. She had seen actors and big celebrities and nobody had caught her attention as much as this beautiful person lying on the bed. Snapping herself out of the oblivious, she picked up her step towards the main door when suddenly he spoke.
“You have to be kidding me! You think you can escape me? What are you doing hiding here? I am so annoyed with you right now that I wish I could fire you!”
Maria froze. She was trembling when she turned around but her apologies died on her lips when he sat up on the bed with a smile on his face.
“Oh Melinda, you know how I hate going to these events. It is boring and I don’t even know what’s happening around me … so, what’s the use of me going to such functions? Isn't’ it better I stay in my room and sleep?”
Oh, he was talking to himself. Maria relaxed a bit when he got up from the bed and unwary of the intruder in the room, kept his monologue on.
“Every single time I have to tell her to cancel my invitation, to politely decline but no, she has to find a partner and has to drag me along. Well, Miss-Pushy-Event-Manager, you are not going to pull that trick on me this time.” His childish smile and innocent face made Maria’s heart best faster and she felt a pull in her lower stomach. She couldn't tell if the pull was from the amusement at seeing him talk to himself or from the fear of wanting to touch his magnificent body more than her next breath.
He took out his shoes and rolled his socks into them. Still continuing with his monologue, he started walking towards Maria, kneeling at the chair beside her to keep his shoes. Suddenly he stopped talking. Maria couldn't’ breathe … he was close, so close that she could smell his spicy aftershave, could see his artist, long fingers, could count the number of vertebrae in his spinal cord through his shirt, could see the silky, shiny texture of his hair and could feel him … feel her presence.
He didn't get up from his crouched position. He moved his hands away from his shoes and lightly touched Maria’s shoes. As soon as his skin made contact with hers, Maria felt a tinge of pleasure shooting from her legs, rising up to her stomach. He still didn't say anything but slowly touched her feet, her ankles, and her calf and then ran his hands up her legs. Maria took in a gulp of air as his hand touched the hem of her skirt. Maria could feel her skin burn from the heat of his hands. He touched the fabric of her uniform, which was a black tunic running a little short from her knees. Slowly he stood up still touching her stomach and then the underside of her breast. She looked up to his eyes but found them closed and a serene calmness on his face. Her fear of his rejection vanished, Maria felt cherished. He touched her neck and cupped her face in both his hands. Maria couldn't help herself as she took his hands and put it on her cheeks silently giving him permission to continue. His breathing had increased and his hands were now buried in her hair. He touched his forehead with hers and took a deep breath. Seeing his face so close to hers, she wanted to taste those soft lips and those beautiful sightless eyes. She raised her hands to the back of his neck and drew him a little closer. He was probably waiting for this sign as he took her lips and gently pried them open before plunging his tongue. His kiss was laced with passion and urgency. Maria lost all connection to the world and was now officially in some place where nothing else mattered, only the two of them. She kissed him back with equal vigour and passion. He slipped his hands from her hair to the back of her dress and gently slipped the zipper down. Maria brought her hands up to his chest and opened the rest of the buttons and shrugging off his shirt. With her dress gone, Maria was skimmed to her undergarments. The room was lit up from the sunny rays of the afternoon sun. There was a ray of sun, peeping out from the heavy curtain spilling across the bed. Taking his hands in hers, she sat on the bed. He went down on his knees kissing her legs. Slowly, he kissed his way up, licking and nibbling her entire body. Maria had never felt so cherished before. Her hands went all over his back and when she slipped her hands down his pants, he flicked them so she was on top of him. Maria kissed every speck of skin on his body from his beautiful eyes, handsome face, long throat, broad chest, flat, board stomach to his powerful legs. He pulled her up and opened the hooks of her bra. He took one nipple in his mouth and sucked it hard. He repeated the same with the other nipple and then kissed them tenderly. Maria was on the edge by now … she helped him pull down his pants and discarded hers too. As she took him in, she felt as if she connected with him in more ways than one. Overwhelmed with emotions, she rode him with heavy passion and slight aggression. He sat up giving her more of himself than she had asked for. Their passionate lovemaking grew more intense. Plunging out of her, he flipped her on the bed and entered her from behind. Maria didn't know if she could take in so many emotions. She cried out when he hit a spot that she didn't know existed in her body. He continued plunging into her, all the while kissing her spine, her hair and her shoulders. When finally he reached the ecstasy, he kissed her eyes, her cheeks and nibbled her lips. Maria felt a smile building up on her face which soon blossomed into a full-fledged laugh. She felt relieved, light and after a long time … happy.
Tangled legs, smooth, naked skin and long, black hair splattered across the pillow were sprawled on the bed. Maria could not recollect a time when she had ever felt so relaxed and blissfully happy ever in her life. She closed her eyes as she kept her head on his chest listening to his now steady heartbeat.
“There is cigarette packet on your side of the table. Can you pass me a stick?”
Maria realised that this is the first time he had spoken to her. She rolled her to her side and took out a stick from the pack. She put it in his mouth and lit it. He moved up his right hand to hold the cigarette and moved the left hand to her shoulders before massaging her. She fell back on his chest and took a deep breath.
“Can I take a puff from you?”
Without a word he handed her the cigarette. Maria had smoked weed in college and taken some strong drugs when Pedro had left her but nothing compared to the feeling when she took in a long pull from the cigarette and exhaled a puff of smoke – taking away her stress, worry and failures into the air. The smoke whirled around the ceiling hitting the room’s smoke detector. Immediately the alarm went off, drenching them instantly with water from the sprinkler.
Filled with apprehension about his reaction, Maria looked up to see a heart-stopping grin across his face. She smiled a little and then as if on accord both of them burst out into bouts of laughter.
About the Author
