• Published : 04 Sep, 2015
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  • Rating : 5

A relation is an intangible, abstract thing,

A complex web of intricate emotions,

A bundle of ironies and contrasts,

An important thing for all the joy it can bring.


A filial relation can be between parents and offsprings,

A fraternal relation can be between siblings,

A loving relation can be between friends,

A romantic commitment between lovers and spouses.


A relationship is like a huge edifice,

Built on love, trust, understanding, commitment, faithfulness, affection and admiration,

The people involved have to lay the foundation together,

Because if the foundation’s strong the edifice will stand for years.


Tomes have been written on relations,

Because we often fail to uphold the sanctity and inviolability of the ones we make,

Or fail to respect the confidence of those who want to sustain,

We fail the process of give and take.


We forget that relations are like a two-way street,

As we expect in return, we should give to the other,

There is a lot to make but nothing we should break,

Heart, or trust or someone’s soul we should shake.


We cheat, we lie, the other we often deceive,

We do unto them things of which they cannot possible conceive,

We are ready to hurt them but the same we aren’t ready to receive,

Our deceptions often snatch from them a reason to live.


We forget that relationships need work,

But often, our responsibilities we shirk,

We don’t think of all the pain we cause,

To consider our actions, we don’t take a pause.


Hearts into a million pieces we shatter,

Trust and faith into a pulp we batter,

We perpetuate violence upon their emotions,

We endanger the foundation of our own edifice.


We are afraid to commit, to give the other ourselves whole,

We are afraid to bare our soul,

We make excuses for not being strong enough to sustain relations,

To understand them and value their emotions.

We forget to honor the truth of friendship,

We forget to respect the commitment of marriage,

We forget to invest effort in strengthening the sacred bond,

We let the relation run obsolete like scum on a pond.


In this increasingly fractious, unstable world,

Where people and situations change by the minute,

A strong relation is the only constant factor,

That keeps us from breaking down into tiny particles.


We have to have the integrity to invest in and work on relations,

We need to sow seeds of trust and affection to cement the emotions,

We need to have an intellect that understands the complexities and intricacies,

That relationships can be as fragile as they can be strong.


About the Author

Percy Kerry

Joined: 12 Mar, 2015 | Location: , India

Writer, poet, aspiring author, bookworm...

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