• Published : 04 Sep, 2015
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Are they a real phenomenon, or are they a figment of our imagination,

They have mystified us humans for centuries gone by,

Any attempt to ascertain their presence has never come to fruition,

They still continue to shock and confuse us.




Are they the souls of people whose physical bodies have stopped living?

Are they made of ectoplasm and ether?

Are they the remainder of unfulfilled wishes and desires?

Are they the projection of unexpressed guilt of us human beings?


Is there indeed a life after death?

Do our ghosts releases into the world after our physical bodies have mixed with the dirt?

Do our ghosts roam, for centuries, this earth?

Do they come and scare us humans sometimes?


All religions say there are ghosts,

They can be demons, poltergeists or spirits evil,

Spirits who seek human hosts,

Who need exorcists to cast out the haunting spirits.


They are said to exist in houses old and abandoned,

They are said to haunt cemeteries,

They exist in huge palaces of kings and queens long dead,

About their manifestations a lot is said.


They may emit strange noises,

With things going bump in the night,

They may sing or speak in our ears in soft voices,

Of themselves, they provide us only fleeting sight.


They have been present in the hallowed annals of history,

They have created plenty of intrigue and mystery,

They are in the realm of the supernatural and the paranormal,

Their existence is always a topic of debate.


Will they show themselves some day?

Or will they continue to hide and shock and surprise?

Will they roam forever among us?

Or go to heaven with our physical body’s demise.

About the Author

Percy Kerry

Joined: 12 Mar, 2015 | Location: , India

Writer, poet, aspiring author, bookworm...

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