Pink, a colour to thrust upon a child of two.
You chose, you the maker chose
Based on a Vagina or a Penis
[Barely even visible]
You chose, pink? Or maybe blue?
Does it even matter?
Who cares?
If a girl loves monster trucks
While a boy dresses up Barbie dolls?
Who gives a damn?
If it's
Girl and girl
Boy and boy
Girl and boy
Boy and girl
Or for god sakes
All three together and maybe even more?
Who cares really?
If they decide to marry and make more robots?
Or if they decide to follow the saints... sexually.
Why is it your business
Who they sleep with?
When they steer clear of your bed?
What is this impulse?
To know
To control
To judge
To discriminate
To be so god damn against it?
Why be robots
When you can be so much more?
Why stick to a straight line
When there are other ways too?
What gives you the right to scrutinize
In a world where strangers have sex upon a ritual?
Why do you go for binaries black and white
When the world is full of colour?
What is it that you lack in your heart
That you have such an urge
To judge so easy?
About the Author
