O'my l'le sister.......
Round and cute, mommy's girl,
Hair so straight not a curl.
She who called water, lollo.
Now reads Paulo Coelho !
O'my l'le sister.......
She once did a Haryanvi dance,
Married a Jat, was it by chance?
No pink, no ribbons, no frills, no lace,
But wait, it was only a passing phase!
O'my l'le sister.......
Not a word she spoke until two,
Opposite she'd be, then no one knew.
While a classmate was her nightmare,
Another tormented her for not being fair!
O my l'le sister........
'Small Wonder' serials she'd never miss,
Her cute round nose I loved to kiss.
Picked up the phone and garbled 'Orchie-porchie' once,
The operator aghast, but the call didn't bounce.
O'my l'le sister........
With one friend in life at a given time,
'Ten lil mice' was her favourite rhyme
Wanting shoes beside her at night,
Growing years she looked quite a sight.
O'my little sister......
Fights between us are past, present and future,
Mind you, some have been really a torture.
O 'my lil sister....
Bold and beautiful, happy and gay,
There's so much more still to say
Remember for you I'm always there,
To love, share, support and care.
About the Author
