Entangled in her headphones, Vanshika was trying to sort them out. She hated it when the pace of her jogging got interrupted because of these frequent headphone troubles. Gaze fixed at the headphones and her feet covering the distance, she crashed into someone and her iPod attached to the headphones fell on the ground causing it to break. Moreover it wasn't just the musical device but also Vanshika’s heart that broke. As soon as the iPod fell on the ground, so did Vanshika. The iPod wasn't just a musical device for her; it was a gift, a gift from her Mom who passed away last year. The first word that came out of Vanshika's mouth was 'Crap'. Seeing the condition of the iPod she broke into tears. After recovering from the heartbreak, she finally mustered enough courage to see the reason behind this thunderclap on her. She found a cute guy looking down at her, offering his hand.
"Pick me up, whenever I fall" No sooner she was pulled onto her knees, that the guy politely apologized and handed her a card, "please get the iPod repaired and send the bill to this address, I'll tell dad and he'll pay for the repairs," he said as he hurried off to his friends waiting for him in the car. Vanshika stood there dumbstruck replaying the entire encounter in her head. She was now left with a broken iPod and a card. The card read Varun Singhania, CEO Singhania Group. So this guy wasn't only super cute but also super rich. Instead of continuing with the jogging she returned home. She asked her brother to get the broken instrument repaired and also to get the money from the address mentioned on the card. Whenever she plays that encounter back in her head she realizes how cute and polite the guy was. It was surely a 'Love at First Sight'. The only sad part about it was that the first meeting and the only meeting between her and that guy was such a disaster. She didn't even know the name of the guy. In desperation, she had been to that office address thrice in search of any information about him but always had to return empty handed. Well, she decided that there is no fun in playing the same melancholic tune again and again and moreover her vacations were coming to an end so she should concentrate on the classes that are coming forward. She got on with her daily chores. College had started and she had got busy, though she let his thoughts get into her mind once in a while. A whole year passed and she never saw him again until that fateful day. One day when Vanshika was sitting on the grass in her college doing her assignments, a basketball came out of nowhere and landed on Vanshika's head. She got furious. Soon a guy came to grab the ball and she burst on him. She continued for a while releasing her frustration on the poor basketball player. It was long enough to get his anxious teammate to come out looking for him. The teammate tried to come to his friend's rescue and tried to calm her. As soon as Vanshika saw the face of the teammate she became silent. Her throat froze and there was no voice coming out of her mouth. She felt weak in her knees. She knew who he was. Before she could muster up any strength to utter a word, both the guys were gone. Her Dream boy was once again gone without even telling her his name but this time she knew where she can find him. She saw him wearing her college's t-shirt. This time Vanshika wasn't letting him go leaving her robbed of sleep. She went home as it was about time her dad reached home but tomorrow she will find him and tell him how much she loved him. Today also, she couldn't sleep but this time it was more of excitement rather than anxiousness. She thought that tomorrow all the insomnia will be gone. Whole night seemed to have gone over in a jiffy. She wore her best outfit and even put on a little bit of makeup, which was certainly not her style. She wondered if he'll recognise her, after all he must've seen her just over 2 minutes and that too divided over 2 years. It wasn't a good start for her but she decided to ignore all these negative thoughts and get on over with it. She finally reached her college and headed directly to Rohan who was the basketball team captain and her childhood friend. As soon as she met him she fired him with a direct question, "Is there any of your teammate with the second name as Singhania?" Rohan who was bemused with such an out of character behavior of Vanshika said, "No, I mean yes. But what happened?" "Idiot tell me about him, NOW," Vanshika almost screamed out of excitement. "Yes, he is Aarush Singhania, the new..." before he could finish, she was gone. “What has happened to her," muttered Rohan and went for his class where he knew he will be able to see his crush Tanvi. Meanwhile, Vanshika found Aarush sitting in the cafeteria wearing a sky blue t-shirt sipping his cold-coffee and Vanshika dashed onto his desk. She knew that she couldn't wait any longer. Aarush caught by surprise almost shouted, “Sorry! That was an accident.” But this time Vanshika took charge of the situation and said, “Aarush, Hi! I am Vanshika. I don't know if you remember, I'm the one whose iPod you broke a year ago. Since that day, hardly any day have passed that I haven't thought about you." "Oh Yes. But I believe my dad had already paid for the repairs, so what is all this fuss about?" "Actually Aarush I wanted to say..." "I LOVE YOU Aaru". "I Love You Too Tanvi, Muanh". "Oh wait, Tanu meet Vanshika. Vanshika it's Tanvi, Love of my life and you were saying something?" "Never mind Aarush, I was just saying that I never got the chance to say thanks, so Thank You". "It's all right". Vanshika found something breaking again. This time it wasn't the iPod but something much more valuable.
"Out of the breakable things,
Heart is the most Expensive."
This time it was Vanshika's heart that Aarush accidentally broke. This time neither had he any idea about the damage he had done, nor will he be able to make any repairs. "Now if you excuse me I got a lecture to attend. Take care guys". As she ran out of the cafeteria a tear fell from her eyes and all she could tell herself was," I wanted to say that if there are any happy endings then My Happy Ending Will End at you!"
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