They rise and clatter their shoes
When the world is half asleep,
Rhymes moulding their minds to cell
Of knowledge which requiems with weeps.
No pages of terror they ever read,
Toys of men when groaned; gentled them as dead.
And the bullets when added red to ranch;
Deafened their whispering silence.
Amid when one asked to a mate
Whether can he see the spark?
He turned to look on the shine
And vividness coloured him colour-blind.
Laid there beauties in smallest spaces,
Wooing to god early and unsafe.
Whining when pitched from the wells of many,
Lightest turned toughest to carry.
Now mothers will age with a weight,
Men will be on the boundary ledge.
Those teachings behind the walls to strange
Have left them; never to return again.