Fuels of midnight voyaging in wander-thirst
Of my loathe-stricken mind when the music wandered;
When the lights were low and mother-of-pearls in eyes;
The schooner which sailed; sailed away,
Never to come by.
Blues songs, blue eyes,
Blue mind and blue life,
Once were iridescent when young and light.
The outcrop of dying heart
Simmers to live when dying.
Strong gales flutters the doors
In the mid of dusk, asking to come along;
Asking to walk until the sunshine, till the goodnight;
Into the light, I wander still and cry.
I close the doors, hallucinating the dark comedy
Of life, shattering from the corridor on the white road.
I lay down to the floor with
Overdosed thirst of life
I look through the windows with pale eyes
And another moon comes and passes by.