• Published : 24 Aug, 2016
  • Comments : 1
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Kids of today are addicted to gadgets. Computers, laptops, mobiles, Kindles etc. are the objects of their existence. It's not that a child demands gadgets at a very small age. When parents or elder siblings use these gadgets at home frequently children are bound to be attracted to them. The only difference say between a kid of today and a kid some 25 years back is that in those times small children had more exposure to the outside world. Playing games and going to parks was something which every child crazed about. Nowadays, with the advent of gadgets, playing is restricted to video games. This has truly affected the physical development of the child. It's not that computers and mobiles are entirely bad for growing-up kids. It's only that too much use of gadgets is bad. If used restrictively, gadgets can both be a source of knowledge and leisure. It's the responsibility of parents to ensure that they also devote less time to gadgets and take their kids outside. They should be taken for games in parks or any leisure activity outside the confines of the four walls of the house. Activities like video games not only add to the anxiety but also lead to impatient individuals in the long run. Spending more time on Whattsapp, Facebook and Twitter leads to a lonely individual. To prevent the kids from such activities it is essential they are encouraged to take up outdoor activities. This will surely help them retain a sound health and proper development.







About the Author

Sanjay Dua

Joined: 08 Jan, 2016 | Location: , India

I have done Masters in Computer Applications and i am in a job in Government Sector.  I am an avid reader and a blogger....

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