• Published : 01 Sep, 2015
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You came along when I needed a friend

With pure intention and not as a trend


You brought me back towards what I had lost

Life, joy and hope you gave without any cost


Why did you do all of this when eventually you had to leave?

To Love and trust, why did you make me believe?


With you gone I thought I would loose it all

And into a never ending valley I would fall


I looked towards the sky in pain

Thinking I was left without any gain


The sky was calm and the moon was bright

The stars were shimmering filled with silver light


I closed my eyes and prayed to God

To end my grief and all the odd


Now you lay beneath the soil to rest

Leaving me here to complete life's test


You walked with me years ago but it seems to me like moments before


I stand alone at the end of the bay

Wanting to get out darkness, to a bright lit day

A soft voice from behind my back said 'if you may?'

I turned around, he was new there, asking me to lead the way


He was a stranger but what I felt was familiar


Months ago I lead the way

 and that made my life today


He turned out to be the perfect guy

We are together now and it all began with a 'Hi'


Whatever had happened it now makes sense

My past was now clear in my head bordered with fence


My past was never meant to be my future only I had assumed It so

My present continued my life and with the flow I should go


Because of what you gave me and made me see

In my loving memories you will always be

About the Author

Sumaiya Ateeq

Joined: 27 Aug, 2015 | Location: ,


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