• Published : 04 Sep, 2015
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With euphoria bestrewed around

Anxieties assuaged, these eyes of the Creator of what we breathe

And eat, cry.

Must be joyous, for the starving earthworms

Got their hungers quenched from deaths

We mourned for.

His leaked eyes abating every burn o'er the skin

Not penetrating though.

Wounds beneath, still bleeding the yells.

Yells, too loud to be heard.

Let's wane. Faster than moon, a bit.

Let's escape into nothingness, dear darkness of mine!

Where none could smell us.

Air would be our bread, and sky ,

Our asylum.

Pour yourself into me,

Lemme pull my hair loose,

Let'em gust with the rhythm of the wind ,

While me be carrying us to pebbles never seen.

Love adrenalines of perils, cannot have one

To have you left here in menaces, yet.

Let's  perish  from here, thus,

Emerge somewhere else

Where ineffables are known,

You can chew Neem

As long as aroma fills the spaces between blood and hair,

Healing unseen wounds eternally.

Let's elude, dear darkness of mine!

Let's escape into nothingness.

About the Author


Joined: 01 Sep, 2015 | Location: ,


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Published on: 04 Sep, 2015
Escaping into Nothingness
Published on: 04 Sep, 2015
Published on: 04 Sep, 2015

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