• Published : 31 May, 2014
  • Comments : 1
  • Rating : 4

Birthdays were all about balloons and cake 
Daddies decorated while mommies would bake.
Homes used to be the standard venue, 
With soft drinks and snacks on the menu.

Passing the parcel and musical chair, 
Party without these was very rare.
For caps and masks kids would run, 
Oh! The birthday bumps were such great fun!

And when it was time to say goodbye, 
Asking for return gifts none felt shy. 
That was what a birthday was all about 
And every child enjoyed, no doubt!

But now it’s not the same at all, 
No more at home, its hall or a mall.
There's never a party without a theme
Angry Birds, Barbie or Chutki and Bhim.

Can't help wonder if it's party or fair 
With tattooed faces and beads in their hair. 
Host, magician, music and light
These parties go on late into night.

Now adults are more and kids so few 
So not just snacks, but dinner too.
Planners got busy, while parents just sat! 
Party — a hot topic for mommies' group chat!

Tension for those whose turn it's next 
What more to be done to make it the best! 
Today this is what a birthday is all about 
The child still enjoys, have no doubt!

About the Author

Athira Nair

Joined: 14 May, 2014 | Location: Mumbai, India

This is how I started few years ago . My story then - Writing has been a very recent and sudden development in my life.'My Angel' is the poem that tells of how it all began. Keen and eager to pursue this new found passion, I await your reviews and ...

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