• Published : 11 Jan, 2025
  • Category : Author Speak
  • Readings : 467
  • Tags : #Satire #,Sunday,Working Hours,Spouses

Dear L&T Chairman,

What a brilliant idea, Sirji!
In one stroke, you will almost render divorce rates to zero!!
You so elegantly asked, ‘How long can husbands stare at wives and wives at husbands? So, it is better to go to the office and work on Sundays as well.’
Truly, mutual distance makes the errant hearts go fonder.
I agree that by the time one gets to be of your age, not only would spouses like to maintain separate bathrooms, but also separate bedrooms, personal wealth permitting that is! After all, a girl needs her space and time with her own devices, and a man can get on with his games in his pristine precincts. It's a win-win situation!
Not all, as their marriages age, can be as mooney-eyed as those irritatingly saccharine newlyweds who constantly stare ardently into each other’s orbs, because life tends to happen in between and the pesky bills have to be taken care of. Money does play the spoiler always.
Plus, one can get cross-eyed if the focus is only on one subject or the object of ardour.
You rightly pointed out that all this working on Sundays will go into nation-building, and we will take off swiftly and leapfrog into the developed world.
Who knows, we might get paid more, and Nirmala Sitharaman will tax us more. More freebies to dole out for the upcoming elections too! Yippeee!!
We will also now finally fathom what getting ‘Bumrah’ed means - getting squeezed to the very last ounce!
I too am all for this ‘work on Sundays’. This ‘work-life’ balance is too Western a concept for us Indians.
Let’s not even go to those ‘Four Ashramas’ according to Hindu philosophy, shall we? Because that would mean you should already be in the Vanaprastha phase. That is too close to home for your comfort! Don’t want to be put out to pasture, do you?
God may have rested on Sundays, but we are mere mortals, and hence are works in progress. So 24/7 slog it is! Mental Peace or going to pieces be damned!! Onwards and upwards!
Feeling so Hopeful with .5 Billion other ladies
( Yes, we are 1.4 Billion people strong and hence that should read .7  Billion women but gotta account for the dropping female workforce due to patriarchy and female infanticide)
India definitely ain’t for beginners…
Vinamrata Se

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