• Published : 11 Sep, 2020
  • Category : Author Speak
  • Readings : 1135
  • Tags : Tantric Sex,Tantra,Mystic Sinners

Curious and confused about tantric sex? Here are seven intriguing facts:

  1. Tantric sex is all about the act of connection. Unlike ordinary sex, this connection is not just restricted to the physical body. It encompasses the metaphysical and spiritual dimensions of human life. Also, this connection can be with oneself, one’s partner, or the divine consciousness.

  2. While normal sex is all about the sensual and carnal pleasures of the moment, tantric sex is everything about ‘transcendence’. Tantrics believe that sexual activity can arouse the latent divine energy that resides in every fibre of the human body.  

  3. Tantric sex is an ancient Hindu practice that is over 5000 years old.

  4. In some important forms of tantric sex like Chakra Sadhna the root soul energy (kundalini energy) is guided (through sexual activity) through the six critical chakras of the human body. This energy actually originates near the genitals and it needs to be guided near the third eye where the Supreme powers of creation Shiva and Shakti reside.

  5. At an important level, tantric sex is all about breath control techniques.

  6. In tantric sex, men train themselves to control their parasympathetic nervous system and are therefore able to control their ejaculatory functions. Similarly, the yoginis gain control over the pelvic floor muscles of their sexual organs. This is attained through the practice of asanas.

  7. In tantric sex, the female participants (called yogini) are viewed as the Mother Goddess. Therefore consecration and not procreation is the main objective of the male participant or sadhak.

Do read The Mystic Sinners, a fiction thriller from Readomania Publishing to know more about tantric sex and tantric traditions.


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