• Published : 29 Apr, 2019
  • Category : Announcement
  • Readings : 4278
  • Tags : festival,crime,thriller,psychological,political,contest,discussion,giveaway,bookdeal

"He sensed someone following him; he increased his pace and doggedly stared ahead all the while calculating the turns left to reach safety. He felt brave enough to return home this late even when all his friends insisted that he stay over for the night. And now, he was too scared to even look back to confirm his suspicions. The wind carried the whistling sound of a knife being unsheathed... was it the Dagger-man? Before he could decide it, he had broken into a run. Shocked at his own involuntary flight, he stumbled and fell. The shadow of his follower lengthened beside him and he turned on reflex. He saw..."

Oh, how we get entangled in the thrill of reading suspense, experiencing intrigue, knowing criminals and solving mysteries. Crime writing as a genre is hugely popular and also immensely satisfying to read and enjoy. There is so much versatility to this genre that a host of real-world problems can be addressed within its framework. Besides, we relate to it easily as we are constantly aware of crime around through media portals.

In reality, much of the inside look at how crimes are handled and solved is missing but in the world of thriller fiction, the discovery of incidents and the revelation of truth takes place in our audience. Crime writing gives us this insight, using its cool ingredients—danger, chase, layering of clues, thrill, justice, etc.—to whet our thirst to know more. But above all reigns the undeniable lure of mystery, the satisfaction of piecing clues together and the element of escapism that allows us to visit the dark alleys in safety.

Crime writers take us on this adrenaline ride sometimes through the political corridors, sometimes through revenge and psychological sagas, sometimes with sleek and sometimes with sociopathic characters. Sometimes gritty and sometimes fantastical or terrifically technological surroundings make us, the readers, an equal part of the game and also a player set on the trail to find out—who?

Readomania has a proud list of authors and titles from the genre of crime writing and brought them all together for the Readomania Crime Writing Festival 2019 in the month of May. Throughout the month, every Tuesday and Thursday, Readomania’s thriller authors were featured in live Twitter discussions. 

Featured authors: Anurag Anand, Archana Sarat, Ayan Pal, Deepti Menon, Maitrayee Sanyal De, Tanushree Podder, Sourabh Mukherjee, Sutapa Basu.

Festival Resources
Date & TimeAuthorSessionThriller Books by the Author, published by ReadomaniaGuest Posts and InterviewsLive Session LinkBlog Coverage of the SessionWinner of Giveaway
2-May, 8pmSutapa BasuPenning Psychological ThrillersDangle

What I Mixed Into A Psychological Thriller…Guest Post By Sutapa Basu 

Delving into the Mystery of Penning Psychological Thrillers- Session Coverage

Live SessionWhen Sutapa Basu Talks About Penning Terrific Psychological ThrillersTarang Sinha
7-May, 8pmSourabh MukherjeeThere's a Killer Inside EveryoneThe Colours of Passion

When Sourabh talks about penning relatable Crime Fiction novels

The Killer That Lurks Within: Guest Post by Sourabh Mukherjee

Live Session“…there is a killer lurking inside each one of us.” Sourabh Mukherjee Talks About Writing Crime FictionRicha S Mukherjee
9-May, 8 pmAnurag AnandWriting Political Thrillers in Sensitive TimesTo Hell & Back, The Assassination of Rajat Gandy

Writing Political Thrillers: Author Interview with Anurag Anand

Anurag Anand Discusses The Nuances Of Penning Political Crime Thrillers

Live SessionWhen Anurag Anand Talks About Writing Political Thrillers in Sensitive TimesDeepti Menon
14-May, 8 pmDeepti MenonIntroducing Twists and TurnsShadow in the Mirror

“How To Surprise The Reader” Guest Post By Deepti Menon

Reflections on ‘Surprising the Reader’ with Deepti Menon

Live SessionWhen Deepti Menon Talks About Thrilling Twists and TurnsAashisha Chakraborty
16-May, 8 pmArchana SaratGetting Inside the Criminal's MindBirds of Prey

When Archana Sarat Deconstructs Writing About A Criminal Mind

Archana Sarat Talks About Writing Crime Fiction

Live sessionWhen Archana Sarat Talks About Getting Inside the Criminal’s MindDeepti Menon
21-May, 8 pmAyan PalResearch for Crime ThrillersConfessions on an Island

When Ayan Pal Talks About the Difference Between Search And Research

Live Session

Ayan Pal Discusses The Importance Of Research In Penning Psychological Thrillers

Ambar Banerjee
23-May, 8 pmMaitrayee Sanyal DeCreating Memorable Thriller CharactersWho Stole My Memories? 

“Developing Characters In Thrillers” Guest Post By Maitreyee Sanyal De

Live SessionExploring the Secrets of ‘Creating Memorable Characters in Thrillers’ with Maitrayee Sanyal DeDeepti Menon
28-May, 8 pmTanushree PodderWriting Thriller Plots Decoding the Feronia Files

The Art of Writing a Complex Thriller

When Tanushree Podder Decodes Complex Plots

Live SessionTanushree Podder Talks About Writing Thrillers That Are Complex Yet Gripping #ReadomaniaCWF2019Harshali Singh

We wholeheartedly thank our associate bloggers for covering the CWF extensively.

1. Ms. Anupama Jain of akkaacerbic.wordpress.com

2. Ms. Kasturi Patra of viakat.blog

3. Ms. Piyusha Vir of wanderingsoulwriter.com


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