• Published : 13 Aug, 2016
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Dear could be In-laws,


I won't marry your son. And I am not sorry!

I won't marry because I know there would be this obligation to get up early. I don't sleep for long and I am responsible enough to take care of people around me but then there will always be this sword hovering over me every morning that won't let me have a sound sleep. Plus I won't be having my mum around who let me sleep for longer on some (just SOME) days. But dear mom-in-law, won't you judge me for that?

I won't marry because I will be expected to cook every day.

You know what, I love to cook. Yes, I love to experiment new cuisines and making the family members happy comforts my soul. But will you spare me on the days when my experiments go wrong? Like my dad, who never made faces even if the salt was on a higher side on some days. Dear husband, will you mind to cook on the days of my periodical backache?

I won't marry because I am scared. On the days when I feel low, dear mom-in-law, will you allow me to sleep in your lap? I have this habit of going all touchy-touchy with my mum because only that makes me feel better. Would you even care to ask "What's wrong?"

Oh, that makes me scared. So unwanted.

I don't expect being pampered but at least a little care and love.

Damn, I would be shifting to a family with completely new set of people.

I won't marry because I have this habit of speaking the truth. No, not the sugar-coated truth. This, in no way means that I am rude but you must be aware that the truth is not sweet and despite my mum telling me all the time to learn to be quiet, I just couldn't help it. Would you still bear with me dear mom-in-law? Or will you be discussing 'me' with the entire clan?

Yes, that makes me anxious.

No, I won't marry because you grown-ups (men) still don't know that it is completely okay to carry your own utensils. I can do it for you occasionally but don't you think it is MY duty. You must be taught "do your work yourself". And yes, there is something called 'sink' in case you are used to throwing up everything around.


I won't marry. I can't share food. It scares the hell out of me when I see couples having meal in the same plate. Why same plate?


I can love you but food will always be my priority. But yes, I can love you more if you offer me a piece of brownie with vanilla just after my afternoon nap.

I won't marry because I can't think of giving up on my dreams. How little or how big is not the question. My dreams are the reason I breathe.

Since I know priorities change after marriage how can I willfully suffocate my dreams to death?

Even if I do it for you, darling, believe me, you will be living with a whole new person but me. It is a nightmare for me to die with my dreams unfulfilled.

I won't marry. Even if I accept you all, will you ever accept me as your own? Or will there always be a line, most probably created by the 'daughters' of the house?

After all I would be the 'daughter-in-law'.

I won't marry because I know when I love, I love with all my heart and I'm sure my heart will be taken for granted.

Now that I have expressed it all I hope you don't judge me. Or do you?

Having said that, there is something that sinks inside me. I am sure everything that looks like a torture from a distance is a crazy journey!

Listen. I love being crazy.

Just help me do it all for you out of love and not at gunpoint.

Just know that I am a free bird. Yes, I love to fly but I won't do it on somebody's instructions.

That is it!


Your could be,


About the Author

Srishti Bathla

Member Since: 06 Aug, 2016

A girl who does not mind being called a Lady. Who loves to smile often at random people. Who is an observer to littlest of situations. Who finds beauty in feathers and leaves. Who prefer stones and beads to diamonds and glitters.Who is most of the ti...

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'Could-be' In-laws
Published on: 13 Aug, 2016

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