Yes, A New Beginning, Is what you gave to me.
It‘s not that, I had never smiled before.
But the smile, I have now seems different to me.
It’s Something New, it’s Something I felt never before.
I speak nothing to you, Yet I feel light.
The unsaid words
I have disclosed not much
But you hear my Silence
Like a fairy tale, I feel you had always been mine.
I want to discover, I want to observe myself,
I wonder Whats going on with me now.
Something peculiar about us, Isn't it true for you?
Like a Phoenix, You gave me strength of Rebirth.
Power to discover myself, You gave me faith
Like Immortality, you say “nothing is impossible”.
Force to fight with the world, to prove my will.
Like undiscovered lands, Unseen beauty of the world.
Gems beneath the deep sea waters,
Plant with the name 'touch me not'.
I looked for you everywhere
I searched for you in everyone,
Like a Pillar , You are my Strength
Like a Secret Admirer , You love me
Like a Critic , You help me grow .
You make me feel the Heavens
I do not know If It will last Forever.
I will always remember you.
Indeed a New Beginning,
Yes, A New Beginning,
Is what you gave to me.
About the Author
