Heart so pure that you can see through,
life so simple that you will fall in love,
Someone who can make you laugh so much
that you'll cry out in happiness
Someone who silently notices everything about you
and waits for you to confess
Someone who is my best friend and a real brother
Who has stood by me like no one else
Someone I can fight all day with
Because we love each other for that
Too precious for me to let go
for anything that could ever happen in life
My brother - You are loved more than you believe.
You're like the shining star to me
That burns itself and gives light to the world.
You're an inspiration always
That spark in you to shine
Is what keeps you apart
And a real man at heart
Every girl dreams of a guy like you
Trust me Brother !
Despite everything else
You're a girl's dream.
Be the same forever !
Let nothing ever change you
God gifted you liveliness
And you pass on smiles
My Brother - You are a piece of my very heart.