It was the lunch break. Teachers were having lunch in the staff room. However, Miss Mala was feeling anxious. Mithilesh, a crippled boy, was to join her class from the next week. Knowing some mischievous students of her class fully well, she was concerned. She did not want Mithilesh to be their centre of jokes. She wanted to sensitize her class towards him. She also did not want them to pity him. Mithilesh was afterall, a state chess champion in Ranchi.
Miss Mala was lost in her thoughts when she heard Mrs. Sreelata exclaiming with surprise.
"Wonderful, amazing!" Mrs. Sreelata was saying.
She was listening to Mr. Ramanujan with rapt attention.
"Indeed it is", replied Mr. Ramanujan.
On asking them Miss Mala came to know that they were talking about Ramanujan's neighbour who was a child prodigy.
"Yes, this can be my opportunity. I must talk about this in class", Miss Mala had a plan while her eyes were fixed on the article on Siva Kalyan that the two teachers were holding.
"Siva Kalyan?" who is that?
"No, miss. we have not heard of any such name"
"Children, you will be surprised to know about the genius Siva Kalyan", said Miss Mala. "When he was nine years old, he was studying Advanced Maths and Physics in the USA".
The children looked confused.
Miss Mala struck right then, "You know children, when Siva was born, his backbone was deformed."
"What does that mean, Miss?" the children were curious.
"Siva suffers from a genetic condition because of which he has loose joints. His muscles are also weak."
While saying this Miss Mala could not help but notice the sad expression on the children's faces.
"How innocent little children are!" Miss Mala thought to herself.
Just then Abha raised her hand.
"Yes Abha?"
"Miss, then what happened?"
Miss Mala continued, "He could not even crawl till he was three and a half years old. He now moves with a walker and wears a broad belt made for straightening his spine. But children, you will be surprised to know about the achievements of Siva despite his disability."
It was now Dhruv's turn to raise his hand. "Miss, how could he study in a college when he was only nine. Is that possible?"
"Not always but in Siva's case, yes. Siva's family moved to America for his treatment. There, they got him admitted in a school according to his age. But you know what? His teachers soon noticed that he was a genius. They said that he could easily manage college studies."
"Wow!" the children were listening with a keen interest.
"Siva has already received two awards from the Centre of Talented Youth Of America's very famous John Hopkins University. But the best part is that serious as it may sound, Siva is very fond of drawing cartoon strips. He loves reading comics too. And yes, he swims as well."
"That all sounds so unbelievable", remarked Gagan.
"Yes, but true. Infact, we all must learn a lesson here. Physical deformity has nothing to do with one's nature or character. These people are as much a part of our world as you and I are."
The class chorused a loud "Yes, Miss.'
"I also wanted to tell you that next week we have a new friend joining us. Well, he too walks with a walker but you all can learn playing chess from him. I hope you all will welcome him."
"Yes, Miss", the chorus was louder this time.
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