• Published : 01 Feb, 2014
  • Comments : 7
  • Rating : 3.92

Who Raped and Killed the 23 Year Old? (With due apologies to Bob Dylan)


Who raped and killed the 23 year old?

Not I the bus with tinted glass said

I’m only an ordinary machine and I’m set

To take passengers up and down the road.


Who raped and killed the 23 year old?

Not I, Mr. Time just casually said

I only came at fifteen past ten

She was fated to use me instead.


Who raped and killed the 23 year old?

Not I said the girl’s beautiful smile

I only went with her all the while

She stepped in and out of the movie hall.


Who raped and killed the 23 year old?

Not I said her soft and tender age

I had been growing with her all the time

I wasn’t aware I was so vulnerable?


Who raped and killed the 23 year old?

Not I said the dark wintry night

What all can I actually do

If people take advantage of me and not you.


Who raped and killed the 23 year old?

What can we do the rapists said

If we are not taught values at all

So don’t point your finger at us

Instead point them at our elders and all.


Who raped and killed the 23 year old?

Don’t blame us said the country’s laws

We are only born to be sleeping away

And stuffed into office cupboards of old.

Don’t blame us repeated the country’s laws

It was actually destiny’s fault

And so it was only God’s will

Thus it wasn’t us who did it at all.



 (This poem was read out at the SAARC Festival of Literature, March 2013)

About the Author

Bob D'costa

Joined: 20 Jan, 2014 | Location: , India

Poet, author educationist, author of four books of poems, A Brutal Sunset, The Ten Commandments, Gods on Earth, Dark Roots writing on love, protest, social issues and quest into philosophy; Genres of novels are literary fiction, romance, mystery, par...

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