."The concept of marital rape is not for India." Of course not! We are still looking at gangrapes and child rapes with varying degrees of apathy... Whom are we kidding? The wives have to wait for their turn for justice. If the victim is a nobody then nobody cares. If the culprit is a somebody then somebody will bail him out. It is the duty of the police to cover the culprits face from public but it is left to the victim to cover herself. If a girl in short skirt is raped, we actually empathise with the culprit; if she is drunk then we think she deserves it... Whom are we kidding? If we hear of a leaked rape video we broadcast it on TV, over and over again. If we have a juvenile rapist we make a movie out of it... If the victim happened to know the culprit we say she asked for it. If the victim survives after a rape we think it's a burden for the family. We try to settle a rape case with a few thousand rupees or by getting the rapist to marry the girl. There can't be a better way out of it.... Whom are we kidding? We still think a woman actually loses her honour if raped.... Honour is something we wear in our underpants?
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