“When we opened our eyes to see the world outside,
We could not feel your first touch inside.
When you lifted us in your arms for the first time,
Perhaps you showered on us all the blessings you had that time.
Your expressions just filled your heart with pride,
As the soft touch of your hands showed the tender joy you experienced inside.
Every time you tried to hold the tiny little hands and the tiny little feet,
Your heart skipped a thunderous beat.
For all the times you watched us sleep at night,
You hoped and prayed that we will do everything right.
Even though we made lots of mistakes till this day,
You promised that you will forgive and do your best for us every day.
‘I will give two beautiful human beings to this world ‘
Was the promise that you made to the God.
You never had a doubt in your mind at all,
That you will strive hard to catch us when we fall.
Even though we keep growing taller and taller,
And time takes us away from you farther and farther,
We will always remain your two dearest angels forever.”
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